67 Epilogue+Extra

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Chapter 67 Fanwai (1)

Su Yi is very, very, very embarrassing recently.

Today, Liu Wei proposed to Wu Xue for the ninth time and finally succeeded.

She must not be a good girlfriend. When she heard the news, her first reaction was over. Did her and her eagle's feelings come to an end? No, it's clear that the Hawks have become more and more sticky recently.

She bitterly said: "Snow snow, do you say that the eagles don't like me?"

Wu Xue: "Ah? Why?"

Suyi: "The two anniversary of the fall of love has passed. He doesn't mean to ask for marriage at all. Wouldn't it be because I wanted to give up on me??"

"...that shouldn't be."

"If you really love someone, shouldn't you just want to take the other person to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate right away?"

"You said your heart."

Su Yi is even more frustrated: "It is simply that I am passionate about myself."

That night, the Hawks' sleeve was removed to half, and the hand was pulled.

He raised his eyebrows and endured his desire: "Well??"

Su Yi took the quilt and slammed her head: "I am sleepy."

The man topped her across the quilt: "Let's sleep again."

"Don't you."

There was no movement around.

Su Yi thought again, this is gone? Don't try harder? ?

He is really tired of me! !

I was thinking about it, one hand got into her bed.

The man is flexible in finding her sensitive point, and she is slow and sloppy.

She really can't stand it, surrendering.

The next day, not only sly, but also began to secretly regret, how can you be so unsettled!

Just then, Wu Xue called.

Wu Xue excited: "Is there any news?!"

She is lacking in interest: "No."

"Someone took a eagle to pick a diamond ring!!!"

This needle of chicken blood directly hit the entertainment.

Today, the Hawks just drove the car into the garage. Before they even opened the door, they were dragged by people around them.

The two arrived in the back seat of the car. This time, the eagle slammed in half and stopped: "There is no cover on the car."

Suyi took two sets from Bra.

The Hawks were stunned by this scene, and they turned red and over, and tossed into the middle of the night.

A woman is sweet, it really is life-threatening.


A month passed.

Su Yi strong smile face: "I am looking through."

The eagle still did not propose to her! ! !

"I want to know now where the ring went."

Wu Xue comforted her: "... Don't be sad, maybe he forgot?"

"How can this kind of thing be forgotten!" She said, and stood up. "I don't think I can go on like this anymore."

Wu Xue was anxious: "You should not want to break up??"

"Break up?? I have worked hard to catch up with people, don't want to run," she picked up her cell phone and looked through it carefully. "He didn't ask me to marry me, oK, I asked him to ask for a head office."


"Go, go with me to buy a ring."

"You are so suddenly, if he doesn't agree?"

"He dares!" Su Yi finished the rumors, and whispered, "Don't worry, I have a way."


It's especially early for the eagle to go home today.

His girlfriend is very serious and says that there are very important things to talk to.

Just returned home, I saw a little girlfriend wearing oL, black skirt black stockings.

There are also pair of black-rimmed glasses on the face.

The two quickly got together, and at the moment when they reached their peak, he heard the people under him ask.

"Old, boss... are you married?"

The eagle slammed and replied: "Yeah."

"Would you go to torture tomorrow?"


Su Yi tried his best to hold the table and took one thing from the side: "Give me the hand."

Leaving her waist at one hand and reaching in front of her.

Afterwards, the Hawks smoked and stared at the male ring in their hands: "...What is this?"

"The ring," Su Yi is wearing clothes, not too emboldened. "You can't go back, just promised me."

The eagle screamed and cried, holding her face: "Just married yourself? How so stupid?"

"Whoever told you not to marry me," Su Yi is going to be wronged. "Do you not like me? Regret? Don't want to marry me?"

"No," the man was gentle at the bottom. "I want you to think that you are crazy."


A party where a certain celebrity is not present.

"Can't drink, can't drink," Zhou Ming waved his hand. "Don't drink, go back and be stunned by your wife."

When I mentioned this, a brother suddenly burst into tears on the table and shocked everyone.

Zhou Ming: "What are you crying about? What is the cry of a man and a man?"

The man wiped his tears: "Week, my wife has to divorce me recently."

"What are you?"

"She said that she was too young at the time, and she didn't think about anything. She was confused and married to me. Now she regrets... Hey."

"Hey, don't cry, don't cry," Zhou Ming asked. "How long did you talk about marriage before marriage?"

"Five months."

"Five months?!" Zhou Ming was angry and took a table. "Which is enough to know a person in five months? You are too hasty, it is irresponsible to both sides!"

The original eagle screamed: "How long will it take to get married?"

"I have known my wife since I was a child. It has been more than a decade." Zhou Ming's cheeks were red and he waved his hands. "If you say it again, you have to be in contact for three or four years!"

Before the troops in the judgment of the weekly team 100% trust, the eagle returned to the car, opened the calendar, carefully calculated the time, officially opened his countdown to the proposal.

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