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Chapter 18

The eagle returned to the car, the phone screen just turned on, and there were several missed connections.

He picked up the eye-call display, started the car, didn't rush to leave, and dialed one first.

"How do you pick me up now!" The girl at the other end was pretty.

Vulture: "What to do."

"Listen to the mother saying that you went to the meeting some time ago," the girl smiled. "Is there a gift for me to come back?"


"Okay, then I am here to inform you that you have lost a lively and lovely sister."

The eagle face does not change color: "Great."

"..." Tunxi felt bored. "Mom let me tell you, come home tomorrow to eat."

Hanging up the phone, the eagle slammed the address book and turned to the number that had just been added.

He doesn't have to look for it. He can see the big bunch of words in the next stroke.

"A rabbit that is waiting for you every day"

The man raised a slight invisible curvature and locked the phone and drove off the parking lot.


The next day, the eagle returned to the old house.

When I got home, the two women in the family were sitting on the sofa, licking the seeds and not knowing what to talk about.

My uncle is sitting on the sofa on the side and reading the newspaper.

When Tunxi saw him, he ignored it and his tone was sloppy: "Brother."

Auntie heard the words and said: "Is it back? Wait a second, sit first, the dishes are not ready yet."

The eagle sat on the sofa opposite the uncle and picked up a newspaper.

The two look old-fashioned, saying that no one is believed by father or son.

After a burst of advertising, the TV series waiting for the two mothers and daughters finally started.

The haw's habit of reading newspapers has been put on hold for a long time, and now I am facing this dense word, but I don't want to watch it.

"I don't care, you don't care about me..." The female voice on the TV seemed to be whispering, faintly whimpering. "She must have misunderstood us. I will apologize to her tomorrow."

This voice is very familiar.

Yesterday was still around him, saying that he would exchange phone numbers with him.

Putting down the newspaper, Su Yi's face appeared in front of her eyes.

Her black and long hair was cleverly scattered on her shoulders, and her mouth said that she was soft and confessed. The white face had a clear palm print, and the red powder on the corner of her eyes was interpreted as an impeccable interpretation of the four words.

"You have to be good to her, as long as I look at you from afar, I am already very happy." She finished, suddenly looked up, blushing lips and a forced smile. "We are friends, it is enough."

The eagle was watching with interest, and a pillow was thrown onto the TV screen, almost knocking the screen down.

"Ah, ah!" 褚 screamed, "Why is she so bad! I hate her!

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