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Chapter 23

    "This reporter," Su Yiyi raised his lips, said, "I have to go through the interview questions at the next interview. I have always said very clearly. I like the outsiders. Well, this topic ends here, behind. I will only answer questions about the shooting of the TV series."

    The reporter is not discouraged: "You don't say who you are, how can I believe that you are not hype?"

    This time, the smile of the funeral was not very friendly. I ignored Wu Xue’s action of pulling her clothes behind her. “I want what you believe in doing?”

    The reporter’s expression was awkward and changed: “I mean your fans.”

    "When did you become my fan representative," Su Yi said with a smile, "I fans believe in me, I will not bother you."

    Other reporters are quiet as chicken, and the recording equipment stands taller than the face.

    After the interview, Wu Xue tried to go to the dead. Her artist closed her eyes and put on her makeup. She said, "Don't go, there is time, think about what to eat for dinner."

    Usually Wu Xue has strict management on her diet. It is not the same when she enters the crew. No matter how she makes up when she is filming, she can lose a few pounds every time she kills her. I don’t know what a magical physique.

    Wu Xue took a look at the mobile phone: "You are getting more and more powerful now, how can a reporter get into a family routine?"

    "You didn't recognize it?" Su Yidao, "just that is the reporter who used to mosaic me and said that I was gone."

    Wu Xue asked: "How can I recognize such multimedia at the time? Say, how do you know that he is?"

    Su Yi snorted: "Of course I have checked it."

    ... can be said to be very vengeful.

    The makeup artist is helping her to trace the eyeliner. The mobile phone on the dressing table is ringing. She struggles to open her eyes and look at the mobile phone interface. She quickly grabs the makeup artist's hand: "Beauty sister, I will return a message, let's continue." Cheng Cheng."

    Because the road is far away, it takes money to eat and live back and forth. Su Yi did not bring a makeup artist. The crew arranged for her to be a makeup veteran. When she came to work in Shanghai, she also helped her to make up her makeup.

    The makeup artist smiled and shrugged: "You are free."

    Su Yi just wanted to reach out and take the mobile phone. The ampoule was faster than her, and she sent the phone to her first.

    Last night, she talked with the eagle to twelve o'clock. Now she thinks about nothing. She has been asking him about the fun of the army. He was too troublesome to listen to the voice and called him directly. This is her last night. There is a big reason for not sleeping well.

    The voice of the other party was low and the narrative was simple, and she listened with relish.

    I think it is also itchy, after listening to the story, and looking at the time, at twelve o'clock, she asked me smoothly if you want to sleep.

    Then two sentences ended, and a good night was not said in the throat.

    Above the chat box is the message that Su Yi sent him early in the morning.

    Suyi Girl: "Wake up, go out to work [today is also a full day.jpg]"

    Eagle: "Well."

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