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Chapter 55

After returning to Beijing, the days of Su Yi did not have much leisure time.

After the crew stayed for such a long time, it will come back and all the work will be piled up together.

Today, I will shoot pasion's new season items.

Winter is coming soon, pasion's new models are almost all boots, and the ecstasy is tickle. When trying on, I took a few photos and sent them to the eagle.

Suyi Girl: "[Image][Picture][Picture] Which pair looks good?"

Yingying is drinking coffee with the partner, and when he hears the sound, he looks at the chat box with a wink.

"The plan is set, and you are taken care of, looking forward to cooperation," the middle-aged man sitting across from the original version of the plan pushed his hands to the eagle, and he took the copy and collected it, but he looked up and saw the eagle. A rare smile on his lips, "Hey?"

"Well, let it go."

"Okay, hey, I am sending you back to the company?"

"No," said the eagle. "You should go first."

"Then, how can I do it... I will sit with you for a while."

It's hard to talk about cooperation with Yu, who can't be slow.

The eagle looked at the face of the opposite period of Ai Ai, and his heart sighed.

Businessmen are more particular than the family.

He got up and said, "Then I will take a step first."

The middle-aged man stood up and nodded: "I will send you out."

"No, goodbye."

The eagle eagle is big, and it has gone far without a few steps.

Just out of the restaurant, he stood in the same place, first responded to the information, and then turned to the car.

In the locker room.

"Pasion's shoes are getting more and more excessive," Wu Xue dismissed. "In this way, they will lose a large number of female customers."

Su Yi just tried on a pair of white boots, just to the knees, and the legs were very nice.

Wu Xue likes it, and he tried it.

It's almost coming to her thigh.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Who will let you try my money."

"They didn't take any other yards."

The phone rang, and Su Yi took it and blinked.

Yingying: "It looks good."

Yingying: "Buy all."

Suyi blocked the curvature of the corner of his mouth and replied with the other hand.

Suyi Girl: "I am the brand of my endorsement, they will send me directly to the new models I like, I am not saving money [smoke.jpg]"

Yingying: "Well, yes."

"Don't play with your mobile phone," Wu Xue urged her. "The lights are all set up, don't let the staff wait too long."

"Come on." Suyi hurried back to his face and said that he had to work, then put the phone on hand and ran out of the locker room.

The head of pasion in China is an Englishman named Allen. He likes China very much. In recent years, he has not only made many Chinese friends, but even Chinese is very good.

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