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Chapter 56

Allen looked at the man in front of him, his expression changed slightly: "Art, is he your boyfriend?"

Suyi took the paper on his hand and pretended to wipe his mouth calmly: "Yes."

Allen's face is even more ugly.

Wu Xue was busy getting up and said: "Allen, you see your mouth bleeding, let's go, I will take you to buy a band-aid sticker. When I first came in, I saw a pharmacy next to me."

Wu Xuelian took the shackles and took them away, but Allen was tall and tall, and if he had the willingness to leave, he would not be easily taken away by Wu Xue.

Suyi sat down next to the seat and let a position come out.

"Why are you here?"

The eagle scorned: "Shun the way. Disturbing your work?"

"No," Suzuy explained. "It was originally planned to come with Wu Xue, but Allen said that there was work to talk about, so I came together."

"Well, is there any brand that I like?"

Suddenly this question was asked, and Su Yi reacted for a long time: "What happened?"

Ying Ying said: "Change your endorsement, don't renew your contract."

"Well," Su Yi didn't want to agree, she took the eagle's hand and played it carefully. "But I don't have any special brands. After the cancellation, there should be endorsements. You don't have to. Worried about me. Have you eaten yet?"


Su Yi is trying to call the waiter. The eagle got up and said, "Go back."

She asked: "You are not eating yet."

"Go home and eat again," said the eagle. "I want to eat your face."

The two got on the bus, and Su Yi looked at the man with a slight head. He always felt that the other party was not right.

From the time of meeting to the present, there was no extra emotion on the face of the eagle.

Just like the time they just met.

Today's driver changed one, not the one who had been trembled before.

The driver seems to be getting old. Since he got on the bus, he has been sideways and looked at them with a smile.

After waiting for the two to sit still, he only sighed slowly and said: "Miss Miss."

Suyi smiled and said politely: "Hello, have you had dinner?"

"I will go back to eat later, Miss Miss looks really good," the driver took back his sight and stepped on the gas pedal. He said happily, "No wonder the young master is willing to wait in the parking lot for so long."

The eagle frown interrupted: "Yang Bo."

"Hey, young master, what is this going?"

"Yang Bo," Su Yi learned to scream at the eagle. "You put us in the supermarket, thank you."

Yang Bo smiled and said: "Good, good, let you go to the house a little bigger."

"Good." Su Yi should be down, holding a man's hand and tightening a little.

After getting out of the car, Su Yi waved to Yang Bo through the window: "You go back to eat, we will ride a car."

After the car drove off, Suyi took the hand of the eagle: "Go."

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