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Chapter 50

After Chen Yang left, Su Yi poked the phone while walking, letting her print out the script she received.

Today, the eagle brought the driver. It was not a cross-country. It was a Mercedes Benz. She sat in the back seat. The man put down the documents in his hand and asked, "Hang up?"

The car was heated, and the side of the suit was taking off his suit: "Well."

The eagle took the coat and spread it on her lap.

"Ma Shu, drive."

"it is good."

The driver visually looked ahead and slowly started the car.

Suyi leaned on the arm of the eagle, and the eagle did not avoid her, and continued to look at the documents at hand.

Soon, Wu Xue replied.

Wu Xue: "The script is in your room. Where are you now? If you have time, send an apology on Weibo."

Suyi Girl: "Do you apologize?"

Wu Xue: "The phrase "close my ass", the public relations over there makes you apologize, and sent me a lot of texts, do you want to come by yourself, or do I have your account to help you?"

Suyi Girl: "I will come by myself."

She opened the interface to send Weibo, frowning and thinking, writing and deleting, and did not write a few lines for a long time.

She sighed softly.

The eagle rang and started to move twice on her forehead: "What?"

"Nothing," Su Yi whispered. "I will be dizzy when I look at the phone in the car."

The speed of the car slowed down immediately, and the driver nervously said: "Is it too bumpy to drive?"

"No," Suzuy explained. "Whoever I take is like this."

The driver was relieved, but the speed was still slowing down a lot.

The eagle squinted at the content and quickly regained his gaze: "Go back and write again."

Su Yidao: "It's almost finished."

After checking back and forth three times, she clicked to send.

The mobile phone of the people around him immediately slammed.

The eagle took out the phone and looked at it slowly.

[Ce Yi v: Hello everyone, I am a singer, here, I want to apologize for the inappropriate comments I made on August 27. As a public figure, I have not been able to control my emotions well, sorry! I will be cautious in the future and I am also anxious to supervise. However, I also hope that some media can talk about things and do things that I have nothing to do with me. I am now filming seriously in the crew, and the extra things are really no psychological. Thank you for your concern, thank you! 】

He raised his hand and ordered a compliment.

Over-headed, seeing people around him holding a mobile phone is smirking.

"Dizziness is still playing on the phone?"

"Not... you see." Su Yi bent his throat and lifted the phone to him.

It is a Weibo comment.

"Eagle eagle second praise... Really, just open the eagle's Weibo, just like a hobby information relay station, all praise or forwarding to Suyi Weibo, he definitely gave special attention to Suyi, I Now believe that they are true love."

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