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Chapter 58

There are countless movies and TV dramas produced every year in the film and television industry. Each has at least one wicked character of more than or equal to 1, among which there are many professional evil actors.

But no one is so ecstasy, her debut is just broadcasting, and every day, people are stunned. From time to time, there are still a few small news that come out, and they can't tell, and the extinction can't be extinguished. Fortunately, Wu Xue is smart, and after that, he did not do two, and after consulting with the company, he strengthened the route of the ecstasy: the evil girl.

I played it now.

Now she still has bad reviews under Weibo, but there are more passers-by and fans. Sometimes, if there is a spray of personal attack on the hot comment, there must be hundreds or even thousands of responses in the reply of the building below. Those traffic is still lively.

Many passers-by don't understand, how can someone rise to me because of a role?

But the people in the circle are clear.

Someone is in the whole house, starting from the moment she just debuted.

Su Yi and Wu Xue have a clearer heart. They have obtained definite evidence more than once, indicating that Lin Xia is the one who has been licking her for several years.

Su Yi was still a newcomer when she was in the hands of Lin Xia. She debuted at the age of twenty. In fact, she just entered the circle just after she was 18 years old.

She was extremely disgusted with Lin Xia's management style. She had thought about exposing it, and it did. At that time, Weibo was not popular. She contacted the most famous fashion magazine at that time. Even the results she thought of it, the circle is so complicated, big deal, no more mixed, and continue to go back to her stalls.

Unexpectedly, he failed to break the news in the end, and was also ridiculed by Lin Xia.

Then, she and Wu Xue saw each other as soon as possible.

In the days that followed, apart from those harsh remarks, it was still quite smooth, and after taking the first debut, the cause gradually became more and more prosperous.

But the new hatred and old hate add up, the account is still counted.

Today is the last time she helped pasion to shoot a single item. After this shot, the cooperation is over, at most, when the other party sends a promotional map, it helps to forward it.

After the makeup artist went out, Su Yi sat next to Wu Xue and took her shoulder: "Snow snow, there is something you need to help."

Wu Xue yawned: "You said."

"Which is the most powerful water company in the industry?"

Wu Xue looked at her suspiciously: "What?"

Su Yidao: "I want to take Lin Xia."

Wu Xue feels funny: "Are you a policeman and a 'end?"

"It's almost what it means," she said. "You don't help me, give me the contact information."

"Who said that I am not helping you, but do you know where the most powerful water army in China is?"


Wu Xue took out a business card from the bag and handed it to her.

[冉星娱乐经济公司, Public Relations Department, Manager Zhang, telephone 13XXXXXXXXX]

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