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Chapter 30

    There are a lot of Disney amusement equipment, but unfortunately every line has to be lined up. They only play a few times and it is almost time for dinner.

    The last project before dinner, the two went to the Pirates of the Caribbean.

    The pirate pavilion is a game of boat adventure. The lights inside are not too bright. When you get on the boat, everyone is taking care of your feet. It is the most convenient for doing bad things.

    Su Yi and the eagle eagle were the first pair to board the ship. She picked the last position and sat up and hooked the eagle's hand.

    The man was quiet for a moment, then bent his arm to make her catch better.

    The boat started quickly, and the two girls were sitting in front of them. They were constantly taking selfies since they boarded the boat.

    "You are holding a little farther," the girl on the left said, "Bring the guy behind you into the camera too!"

    "My hand is so long, or you come!" The girl on the right plugged her phone.

    The girl on the left adjusted for a while: "No, always take the girl next to him."

    Su Yi pulls the corner of his mouth.

    Do you also know that there are individuals around him?

    She took out her mobile phone, lifted it into the air, pulled the mask down, and leaned against the face of the eagle eagle. "Well, look at the face and take a picture?"

    The eagle hooks his mouth and looks at the camera.

    The light is too dark, her fingertips are curling up, I want to open a fill light, just click on the fill light button, the body suddenly is slightly hit, accompanied by a sharp child call around, the vulture immediately stretched out his hands, tight Hugged her waist.

    The collision was not strong, but the sound was not small. The geisha couldn’t be scared and jumped. I only felt that my hand was empty, and then I heard a sigh of sigh.

    Su Yi looked at his empty palm, and there was no reaction.

    The bear child who was about seventy to eighty pounds slammed into the eagle, and also brought his own sound.

    The bear child’s mother immediately pulled him back and said: “Apologize to my brother and sister right away!”

    The bear child was stunned and shouted: "I'm sorry."

    The eagle did not answer, and the people around him did not respond. He asked: "Is it hurt?"

    "..." She turned her grievance, "I have lost my phone..."

    Her face is overwhelmed, like a slap.

    Seeing the smile of the eagle's mouth, she was wronged: "...you still laugh!"

    "No smile." The eagle eagle narrowed his mouth.

    Suyi leaned on the chair and was quiet for a long time. Suddenly said: "You said that the phone will not be picked up later... Fortunately, I don't have anything to save on the phone."

    Just after the end, the scenery on both sides suddenly changed - the ship "sinked" into the bottom of the sea, surrounded by deep sea scenes, with underwater monsters, broken ships and various treasures.

    The eagle is preparing to say something, and the people around him suddenly rushed into his arms.


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