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Chapter 40

    Surrounded by a strange silence, even Xu Qiang, who was preparing to help Lin Xia to open the cream, screamed, and asked for a long time: "Lin Jie, is your birthday today?"

    "No!" Lin Xia was even more angry, but she recognized the voice of Su Yi, and she did not dare to say it too ugly. "You can help me erase it!"

    "Isn't it?" Su Yi's eyes blinked and looked innocent. "Is it wrong? I won't."

    "...I remember you wrong," Lin Xiapi smiled and said, "Today is not my birthday."

    "Oh, then I remember correctly," Su Yi retracted her hand, looking for paper on her face twice, successfully catching a false eyelash, and continued to laugh, "I am embarrassed, my sister and I still I want to surprise you."

    Lin Xia finally wiped the cream clean, but the makeup on her face was already terrible. She didn't know it. She wondered: "You sister? When did you have a sister?"

    Su Yi's cake is already cut aside, but Tunxi is not. She grabbed it directly on the big cake and smeared it.

    Suyi laughed and didn't answer, and slammed the topic: "The cake has been broken by her, so let me send one more. I heard that there is a cake shop nearby that is delicious."

    Wu Xue immediately turned to call the cake shop, and squatted on the river before leaving.

    Every actor in the crew has a different killing day. The protagonist usually goes to the last day to kill. The supporting role of the singer-like drama is also close to the finishing touch. Xu Qianxi is different. The scene of the face-faced soy sauce is finished. I can go, so this is halfway, and her role is gone.

    Cuiyi is more curious about a small supporting role to kill, Lin Xia does not run over a thousand miles, Lin Xia has several stars, one or two of them are quite red, usually Lin Xia will follow those few stars notice. Before she signed a contract with Lin Xia, the other party only contacted her once a month.

    Most of them are also persuading her to accompany the wine.

    Thinking of these not so good memories, she was deeply disgusted with Lin Xia in her heart. She simply turned and left, sitting next to the camera and let Li Min tell her about the play.

    "You still need to talk about drama," Li Min said. "Because it is now, you are the most entertained in this group."

    How can I say that I have been too arrogant last night, and I can’t get into the state for a long time: “Anse is still changing clothes, you will tell me.”

    On the other end, Lin Xia took a picture and almost didn't make a sound.

    Is this panda eye in the mirror her? !

    "You just didn't say anything to me, let me stay here for so long?!" Lin Xia gasped and gasped. "Hurry up and bring your cosmetics out to me!"

    She screamed for a long time, and sprinkled Xu Qiang's cosmetics on the table. It took more than half an hour to make up the makeup. "Are you stupid? When you lived on the live show yesterday, why didn't you take the opportunity to go to the door?" ?"

    Lin Xia knows the news of the live show of Su Yi, but she has never been in the heart. It is only a woman of two years. It is not a popular flower. It is not bad to have a few tens of thousands of viewers.

    I never imagined that the number of viewers in her live broadcast could reach more than one million, and even the boss of the Yu’s family was out of sight!

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