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Chapter 14

    When the words came out, the gift information on the top of the live page stopped instantly.

    On the list of today's gifts, the ‘Liangbo Lb’ account is still hanging.

    "After the screen, I feel a little 尴尬233333"

    "What's the trick? They are together. Sugi is estimated to be afraid of being drowned by the men's fans. Can't you admit it?"

    "That is, the photos of the overnight stay have exploded."

    The host laughed twice and frequently gave the following eyes: This is not the same as what Taiben said! ?

    Su Yi is a calm expression, she squinted her head and seriously waited for the next question from the interviewer.

    Wu Xue got up and grabbed the board directly from the director of the live broadcast. He swung the board and turned the board. The four words on the “End Interview” were scribbled and confused.

    The host looked awkward, and she didn't look back until the live director nodded her. "The live broadcast is here, thank you very much for taking the time to accept our interview!"

    Su Yi went down and did not welcome the imaginary storm.

    Wu Xue just called and saw the down art, saying: "Pack up things, go back."

    Su Yi blinked, the phrase "Do you not yell at me?" came to the lips and swallowed back.

    Wu Xue’s heart is like a mirror: “Do you know why I am not jealous of you?”

    Suyi took the paper and wiped the lipstick: "...I don't want to know."

    "Now I am too lazy to pursue your business," Wu Xue did not care about her answer. "When I have handled Liang Bo, I will talk about it."

    Speaking of this, Su Yi stopped his hand and sneered: "Is his team a lot of good days, people are stupid?"

    Liang Bo’s move today, Su Yi is really not understood. To be popular, she is still self-aware, and she is not a Liang Bo.

    And at least half of Liang Bo’s fan groups are his girlfriend’s powder. The most taboo of this traffic star is the romance exposure. How could this suddenly go from a dip?

    The key is that he drowned himself, why should he pull her?

    "They are not stupid, they won't do anything," Wu Xue has already learned about most of the time on the phone. "Isn't you been photographed last time? I don't know which star team today, secretly bought the water army black." He said that he is the gunner, whoever agrees, you are one of them, it is justified, and there is a photo of you both entering the hotel one after the other."

    Su Yi was caught by the water: "How can I not know if I entered the hotel with him?"

    "I didn't know it before," Wu Xue said. "Just check it out. You have a team that was in the same hotel as the crew he was in at the time."

    "..." Cebu wants to give those paparazzi a 666, and is afraid to be served by Wu Xue Tiequan, and has to endure hard.

    "This is black, now Liang Bo said that the masses will not believe, so they will simply make mistakes, and they will speculate on a relationship. It is estimated that they are ready to go deep lovers." Wu Xue no expression, "If you deny, as long as they do not When I voiced, I couldn’t explain it at all. Did you see the group of waters that had just been broadcasted below? It’s estimated that the Liangbo team invited them.”

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