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Chapter 62

It's been a month since the last drama, and it's been a long time since Cephe has not had such a long "empty window".

Leisure is leisure, but she... is very unaccustomed.

Finally, when she was lying in bed enjoying the massage, Chen Yang's phone came in and informed her that all the funds and equipment were ready, and it would take another two weeks to officially start shooting.

Hanging up the phone, Wu Xue, lying next to the bed, closed his eyes and said: "I really didn't expect you to pick up the role of this female student."

"Women's second performance is more, and I want to go to the top. If you don't have a goal, you can do it." Suyi lazily said, "I will not touch the bad guys later. I don't want to play bad women."

Wu Xue was a little surprised. After all, Su Yi had rejected several female No. 1 before: "You are not a transformation, is it a change?"

"I didn't care how others looked at me before," said Su Yi. "Mother of the eagle eagerly likes to watch TV dramas. If there is any pitiful and pitiful character in the future, I will show it to me. It is best to set up the military. The kind of sacrifice for love."

Wu Xue rolled his eyes and continued: "...Do you know that the protagonist of Chen Yang's drama needs to cut his hair?"

"Know, it's not cut."

"When to cut? Before you get into the group, just get some gimmicks, and your Weibo photos should be updated."

When I mentioned Weibo, Suyi immediately remembered something. She propped up and talked: "I can use snacks in my Weibo advertisements in the future? What's coming with me...I'm going to wait... You 噢 'This kind of words can't be used, it looks like the old man, and it affects the fans' perception of me."

"No, those microblogs are all sentimental. Anyone who will look at your advertising words? And you have always been like this, how come you suddenly noticed."

The old eagle family gave her some attention, including the unmasked uncle, can she not pay attention? !

She waved her hand: "...forget it, cut hair in a while."

The two finished SpA and went to the barber shop where they often went.

Su Yi sat on the chair and took out the hair that Chen Yang sent: "Cut this. Liu Hai does not need to cut."

Wu Xue: "You have to go home and cut the bangs yourself? Why bother, this is sitting here."

Suzuka said: "This is fun, you won't understand."


During this time, the eagles almost lived in the hangar artists. The average person was the woman who lived together in the man's house. They were against each other, but neither of them said anything.

He was afraid that the art of living in the small villa would not be used to it, so he never mentioned anything else. He came back here consciously after work.

Going home at night, he just opened the door and saw the woman standing at the entrance when he entered.

She wore a sailor suit, black knee-high socks, and the chest line propped up the white short shirt with a small bow tie on it.

Short hair with shoulders, light and cute, pure and lovely.

She said sweetly: "Hey brother, it's hard work."

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