Chapter 9| Her Mother

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   In the Blue Lions classroom, Kendall was sitting next to Ashe in a desk

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In the Blue Lions classroom, Kendall was sitting next to Ashe in a desk. The two were talking about different kinds of books. "If you want, I can lend you the book I'm currently reading when I'm done! The main heroine reminds me of you."

Genuinely happy about that, Kendall nodded. "I look forward to it! Can you tell me just a little bit about it? No spoilers obviously."

"The heroine is a knight who is fully devoted to training. One day, she encounters something unordinary that changes her life, having her go down a different route in life."

"That sounds really good! Oh! I almost forgot!" Digging something out of her satchel, she held a book in front of Ashe. "Thanks again for lending me this book."

"It's no problem. Did you enjoy it?"

"I did! The knight in the story is really gallant like you said! I thought the character was so cool!"

As Ashe was about to talk more about the story, Kendall felt on a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw it was Sylvain. "You got a minute?"

Confused by his question, Kendall raised an eyebrow and nodded once. "I suppose so?" She turned towards Ashe. "We'll talk more later, is that alright?"

Ashe beamed. "Of course! I think I'll be done with this book later today, and I'll lend it to you!"

"I'm so excited to read it!" Kendall got up from her seat, following Sylvain at the other side of the classroom. He ended up walking her over towards his desk where Ingrid, Dimitri, and Dedue were all at. Wondering why Sylvain brought her here all of a sudden, she crossed her arms. "What's up?"

"We just wanted to show you something." Sylvain responded.

"Show me what?"

"Well..." Ingrid said, pulling something out. "When I was cleaning out my dorm last night, I found this." Placing it down on the desk, Kendall saw it was a picture of four children.

Recognizing most of them, Kendall let out an aw. "So cute! Who's that little girl next to Felix?"

Sylvain was trying his best to hold in his laugh. "That's his highness."

"...Oh." Turning towards Dimitri, Kendall twiddled her fingers nervously. "I am so sorry for mistaking you as a girl..."

Dimitri couldn't help but chuckle. "That's quite alright. I often got mistaken as a girl a lot when I was a child."

Still feeling bad for mistaking Dimitri as a girl, Kendall rubbed the back of her head. Slightly blushing, she lowered her eyes. "So... Why did you want to show me this?"

Looking at one another, Sylvain decided to be the one to speak about it, wrapping his arm around Kendall's shoulder. "We all notice that you and Felix are really close. So... We just wanted to have you get to know him a little bit better. Back then, he was really easygoing and was a huge crybaby. Whenever he lost to his older brother, he would come crying to me about it. He would even follow his highness around like a duckling. He also cried if he couldn't be near his highness."

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