Chapter 15| In a Blink of an Eye

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   Exactly five years has passed

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Exactly five years has passed. Since then, the professor had gone missing, assuming she was long gone by falling to her death. Almost everyone went their separate ways, returning back to where they came from. Some of the students were still in contact with each other, but no one has heard from Dimitri or Dedue since they got separated. Garreg Mach had turned into a Thieves' Den, basically a shell of itself.

Meanwhile, Kendall would often be at Regna Ferox, fighting opponents who were preparing to fight her father to claim his champion title. She also visited Fódlan time to time to study more about her crest. She often visited the Fraldarius territory to see how Felix was doing, and to clash blades with him like old times. The two noticed each time they clashed blades, they've gotten stronger. Whenever Kendall visited him, she would teach Felix what she had learned thus far and vise versa.

Whenever Kendall was around, Rodrigue would watch her and his son spar from a distance, knowing Felix wouldn't want him to be around to watch. As a father and a former teacher of this girl's mother, it brought him relief to see the two children he watched grow up get along so well.

Over these five years, they all underwent a change of class. Both Kendall and Felix became swordmasters due to influencing each other. Not only did their classes change, but appearances as well. Felix changed his signature man-bun to a short ponytail. His attire was what swordsmasters would often wear, a blue tunic with a wool collar. Kendall's long and silky black hair that covered her entire back was a little past her shoulders, layered to the point where it met the side fringe. Her attire was a blue swordswoman outfit, heavily inspired by the queen of Chon'sin.

Since the five year reunion was coming up soon, Kendall was riding on a boat coming from Ylisse to Fódlan. She was excited yet anxious to see all of her classmates again. She knew what Felix, and somewhat Sylvain and Ingrid had been up to. As for the others, it would come as a surprise. She felt sad at the thought that Byleth wouldn't be there, seeing with her own eyes that she had fallen into a dark abyss, never to be seen again.

Letting out a sigh, Kendall looked down at her blade she was holding. She was hoping this reunion will be a happy one, not one where she had to find out more tragic news.

When the boat came to a stop, Kendall swiftly got off, heading her way towards the Fraldarius territory. Even though she had grown accustomed to this land, she would still get lost if she were to travel by herself. Traveling with a group would be the most beneficial.

Once she stepped foot into Fraldarius territory, Kendall was soon greeted by Rodrigue. "It's good to see you again, Kendall."

Kendall smiled while showing respect. "You as well, Rodrigue."

"I have heard that it is the five year reunion for the Blue Lions house. That place... It's completely run down."

"So I've heard..." Kendall lowered her eyes at the thought. "But I'm sure everyone will still meet up regardless. We all made a promise to meet up no matter what. Well... At least most of us. You still haven't found his highness?"

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