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   Felix was fully recovered after resting for a couple days

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Felix was fully recovered after resting for a couple days. Because he was recovered, the first place he headed to was the training grounds. He had told Kendall earlier that day to meet him there, and that's where she was headed.

As Kendall was heading her way towards the training grounds, she saw her father and uncle in front of the training grounds. Walking over to them, she stopped in front of them. "Who are you waiting for?"

"You. Obviously." Lon'qu responded.

"Did you need me for something?"

"I wanted to inform you that I'm going to depart for Ylisse tomorrow morning. I was wondering if you were going to come along or stay here."

Lowering her eyes, Kendall didn't know what to do herself. She knew she had to go back home eventually, but she didn't want to leave her friends behind, especially... She felt herself start to blush. "I'll... Get back to you on that in a little while."

"You need to give an answer soon."

"I know."

Balthus shifted his eyes to the side. "Are you meeting with that guy again?"

Kendall nodded with an arched eyebrow. "Yes, but how did you know that?"

"We happened to bump into him earlier." Lon'qu spoke up. "I talked with him for a bit. I even... Repaid the favor."

"The favor your meant to repay towards Rodrigue? What did you do?" For some reason, her uncle was on the verge of being emotional. "Why do you look like you're about to cry..?"

Balthus began bawling his eyes out, picking her up and squeezed her tightly. "I don't want you growing up just yet!"

"W-What?!" Kendall was having trouble breathing. "You're squeezing too tightly, Uncle!"

Putting her down, Balthus still couldn't contain himself. "Sorry, kiddo. After what your pops told me, I couldn't help but be emotional."

"What did you say to him, father?"

Sighing while looking away, Lon'qu was unable to look her in the eye. "You'll have to see for yourself. To see him."

Not knowing what he meant, Kendall looked strangely at both her father and uncle. "Now I'm really curious on what's going on."

"He'll explain everything. Go to him. He's waiting for you."

Not knowing why Lon'qu and Balthus seemed so on edge, Kendall eyed them suspiciously. "I'll do that then. And I'll give you my answer after I'm done talking to him. To go home or stay here, that is."

Lon'qu nodded. "Very well." Seeing Kendall walking away towards the training grounds, he wore a bittersweet expression. He was happy to see Kendall grow up into a fine young woman. At the same time, the memories of her as a little girl came to mind, making his heart warm and pained.

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