Chapter 10| Conflicted Thoughts

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   The next day came in a blink of an eye

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The next day came in a blink of an eye. Kendall and Felix were sword training as usual, clashing their blades several times. Kendall's movements were a bit different like something was on her mind.

Noticing her lack of apathy of training, Felix came to a stop. "You seem distracted."

Lowering her eyes, Kendall lowered her sword. "Sorry. I just... Have a lot on my mind."

"Something my old man said?"

Kendall nodded. "It wasn't a bad thing. I suppose you wouldn't care to hear about it."

"No, no. Tell me. What exactly did he say to you?"

Letting out a sigh, Kendall still kept her eyes lowered. "Has your father ever informed you about what happened in your childhood that you couldn't remember?"


"Not even mentioning that you spent a lot of time with someone in the first year of your life..?"

Felix narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to get at?"

"Apparently you and I met before. We wouldn't remember it considering we were infants."

Taken aback, Felix cocked an eyebrow. "My father never mentioned that you and I met before. When he mentioned your mother was his apprentice, that was the first I've heard of it."

"It's crazy, right? Not only did our parents know each other, but we grew up together for a year. I could've met his highness, Ingrid, and Sylvain at some point for all I know."

"If that's true, then why did you have to leave?"

"Your father told me that my father was in a very bad place when he lost my mother. He wasn't in the right state of mind to take care of an infant all by himself. So your father suggested he'll take me in until my father was more stable. About a year later, my father decided to take me back, and have me grow up in Ylisse."

Felix looked somewhat intrigued. "To think we knew each other back then, even if we were infants..."

"You can always ask your father for the picture of us if you want a clear answer."

Glaring, Felix clicked his tongue. "I rather not see him."

"Figures..." Letting out a sigh, Kendall looked down towards the sword she was holding. "Do you want to resume our sword training?"

"I'm always up for sword training, but your mind isn't here today it seems. It's not wise to get distracted by your own thoughts while training. If this was a real battle, your distractions will cost you your life."

"I know, I know. I'm actually alright now. Talking about it with you felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I appreciate it."

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