Chapter 18| Comfort

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   The next day in the greenhouse, Kendall was watering the plants while happily humming to herself

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The next day in the greenhouse, Kendall was watering the plants while happily humming to herself. The unofficial date she went on yesterday boosted her mood since then. At the same time, she felt silly to be feeling so happy when there was a war going on. She has been putting in a lot of effort in fighting, but felt like she couldn't feel so carefree. Not until after the war is over at least.

"Hey Kendall!" Not expecting anyone to be right behind her, she ended up dropping the watering can she was holding. Water spilled underneath her, forming a giant puddle.

Letting out a sigh, Kendall turned around to see Sylvain and Ingrid. She squinted her eyes at Sylvain, the person who gave her a mini heart attack. "Gods, Sylvain! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"My bad." Sylvain rubbed the back of his head. "You already know what I'm going to ask you, right?"

Feeling her face getting hot, Kendall nodded shyly. "About... Going on a blind date with Felix?"

"Correctamundo. How did it go?"

"It was... Nice. Though, he might think I'm a huge weirdo."

"Why is that?"

"He caught me mouthing to you when you were at the window. He didn't see you, don't worry. And then... I was shaking like a leaf almost the whole time, because my mind was like oh my gods I'm on a date! It was so embarrassing..."

"Isn't that normal to feel like that towards the guy you have a thing for?"

Flabbergasted, Kendall started making weird noises and gestures. "I don't have a thing for Felix! Not me!"

Sylvain and Ingrid looked at one another, giving each other the look like they didn't believe her words. "You know, Kendall..." Sylvain slyly smiled. "Felix has a thing for you too."

Turning red in the face, Kendall felt her heart skip a beat. "N-No! You're lying!"

"A lot of nonsense comes out of Sylvain's mouth, but he's telling the truth." Ingrid admitted. "For the longest time, Felix has been talking a lot about you to us. The main reason is sword training, but I have never seen him look genuinely happy like that in a long time."

"Not to mention..." Sylvain continued. "Ingrid and I caught more than a few glimpses of Felix staring at you when you're not looking."

Feeling flustered than words can say, Kendall felt like she could melt into a puddle. "Yeah right! You two are just trying to get a reaction out of me! But it's not gonna work!"

Sylvain had the look like he had got her right where he wants her. "So you admit you have a thing for him?" Eye twitching, Kendall couldn't believe she fell for the trap. Inhaling deeply, she turned her back on them, letting out a frustrated scream. "Oh look, Felix is coming."

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