Chapter 13| Birthday Heartbreak

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   The next day was Kendall's birthday

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The next day was Kendall's birthday. But it wasn't starting off as a good day. After what had happened last night, she couldn't sleep really well. She was surprised to even wake up and dress in her uniform. Her hair, however, was unkept.

The first in line at the Garreg Mach McDonald's, Kendall was placing her order. "Can I get your largest McFrappe size? Extra dose of caffeine, please."

"Will that complete your order?" The cashier asked.


"We keep track of students' birthdays here. You're Kendall, right? Since today's your birthday, it's on the house."

Feeling a little bit happy that something good happened today, Kendall slightly smiled. "Thank you very much."

"We'll have your order out shortly. I hope you have a happy birthday!"

Going over towards a table to wait for her order, Kendall sat down and leaned her elbow on the table, trying not to pass out from exhaustion. Today was her birthday plus a mission, she wasn't sure how she was going to survive today. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep.

"Are you alright?"

Looking over, Kendall saw Seteth over at the next table. Trying to play it cool, she tiredly smiled. "I'm good, thanks."

"I heard it's your birthday today. Happy birthday. It seems our birthdays are next to each other. Mine happens to be tomorrow."

"Really? That's really cool that we're birthday neighbors."

Seteth was looking at her strangely. "It seems whenever I see you most of the time, you look unwell. Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

Kendall shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I'm just really tired today. Of all days... I feel like complete horse dung."

"Your class also has a mission with Captain Jeralt and your father. Are you sure you're up for it? You do not seem like you're in a state to battle."

"I'll be fine. With what I just ordered, it'll give me the energy I need."

Seteth looked at her worryingly. "If I were in your father's shoes, I couldn't help but be worried about you looking like this. Please do be careful today."

"I will." Hearing her name being called to confirm that her order was ready, Kendall stood up. "Well... I'll be on way. I'll see you... Whenever we bump into each other again." Going over towards the counter to receive her coffee, she knew she would have to consume all of this to be able to survive today.


Walking her way to class, Kendall was lazily sipping her large coffee that had a very strong dose of caffeine. She already started to feel it kick in, feeling herself getting jittery.

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