Extra Chapter| Into the Future

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   After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue

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After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Marrying shortly after, Kendall inherited the title of Duchess Fraldarius. The two worked tirelessly to help King Dimitri restore the kingdom. Whenever they could, they would travel to Regna Ferox from time to time, fighting strong opponents to keep their skills sharp. Eventually, the two decided to start a family and beared a son: Charles Glenn Fraldarius.

Seven year old Charles walked up to his mother teary eyed. Noticing that, Kendall stopped her sewing project, looking at her son with concern. "What's wrong?"

Charles sniffed. "Father scolded me again..."

Sheepishly smiling, she shook her head. "Training didn't go so well, huh?"

"I can never get the techniques right. What if I never become good with a sword like how you and father are?"

Patting her son's head, she kneeled down to his level. "If you feel like fighting with a sword isn't your thing, maybe you can study other skills and see what interests you."

"Other skills..?"

"Yeah! You can always try fighting with a lance, axe, or bow. There's even magic like reason and faith."

Charles looked at his mother in awe while thinking about all the possibilities. Perhaps he should take his mother's advice, and study a new skill if fighting with a sword continues to not work out.

With that thought, Charles nodded with a smile. "Ok! I'll see if the other skills will work better!"

Kendall smiled warmly at her son. "That's the spirit! Whatever skill suits you best, you have my full support."

"Thanks, but..." Charles lowered his eyes. "I wonder if father will feel the same way."

"I'm sure he'll support you too. You're his precious son, and he wants nothing more for you than to be happy with yourself."

The tears that were in his eyes started to spill. He ended up giving his mother a hug. "Thank you, mother. I love you so much."

Kendall's heart felt warm, hugging her young son back. "I love you so much too, my sweet Charles." As much as Charles loved and respected both of his parents, he was more of a mama's boy. He felt like he could talk with her about anything, appreciating all the times she would comfort him.

During the years, Charles has been studying and working on other skills. He figured that fighting with a sword wasn't his specialty, feeling somewhat bad about it since both of his parents are advanced with a sword. Remembering his mother's words, he didn't let it waver his resolve.

After trying out a lot of techniques, Charles discovered that he works with reason, wind and dark magic really well. It felt like he had just discovered a very important thing about himself, feeling proud of his efforts.

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