Chapter 6| Related by Blood

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*Beginning of this chapter comes from the first chapter of Ashen Wolves

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*Beginning of this chapter comes from the first chapter of Ashen Wolves. I only wrote the scenes that apply to this story only, and tweeked them a bit*

Walking out from the training grounds that same night, Kendall let out a sigh of sadness. She wondered why she felt so strange, feeling heartbroken about something that didn't seem like a huge deal. Felix's words from earlier still bothered her, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe a good night's rest would help ease the confusion and overwhelming emotion she was feeling.

Heading towards the dormitory, Kendall noticed the three house leaders staring at the wall. She stopped where she stood, listening into their conversation.

"Claude, are you sure you saw the suspicious figure run that way?" Dimitri asked. "I will say, that does look like a passageway, doesn't it?"

"Unless I dreamt it all while sleepwalking, there's no mistake what I saw." Claude responded.

"I never thought I'll say this, but..." Edelgard chimed in. "I believe Claude's story. In fact, it reminds me of something. I have heard tales of countless passageways beneath Garreg Mach. This is undoubtedly one of them."

"Perhaps so." Dimitri agreed. "In any case, there's no telling where it leads."

"Oh, you're right! There's no telling what we could find." Claude seemed like he was trying to come up with an excuse. "Terrible danger, wicked creatures, unspeakable smells. The risk is too high, your highnesses! I must humbly insist that you wait here, where it's safe... And smells nice. Meanwhile, I'll call the knights to take care of this."

"That is quite enough." Edelgard scolded. "As though we would allow you to make the call on your own. With so little information, it's far too dangerous. We'll come along as well, right Dimitri?"

"Yes, of course." Dimitri answered. "If it was indeed a thief, we must not allow for them to get away with their crime."

"Right, well... Tag along if you insist." Claude said. "Just don't come crying to me if you meet a terrible fate, alright?"

"Likewise." Edelgard agreed. "Well, no use dallying. Let's be on our way. Unless there's someone else we should call for?"

"Kendall? What are you doing out here?" She heard a familiar voice ask. Turning around, she saw Hilda right behind her.

Nearly jumping out from her skin, Kendall tried calming her racing heart. "Hilda! I didn't expect you to be here! I was coming out from the training grounds, and saw the three house leaders here."

"I was trying to find Claude since he was acting really weird earlier."

"Oh, Kendall. What perfect timing." Dimitri walked over towards her. "We need a couple more people to help investigate this hole in the wall. Would you like to help out?"

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