Chapter 16| Swift with a Sword

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   Entering Garreg Mach after five years, it was in shambles, gravel was everywhere

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Entering Garreg Mach after five years, it was in shambles, gravel was everywhere. Surprisingly, it wasn't a complete ghost town since there were some knights who stayed to protect the church.

The former students were all outside of the monastery, all glancing at one another after not seeing each other for five years. Going over towards Mercedes and Annette, Kendall smiled widely. "You two look so pretty! I love both your outfits and hair!"

"Thank you!" Mercedes responded. "You look like a divined warrior out of a story."

"I agree!" Annette stated. "Your clothes look like they're from a whole different world!"

"That's because they're from Chon'sin." Kendall mentioned. "It's a country next to Ylisse. My dad was born and raised there- in a way. But during these last five years, I paid a visit there to learn more about the culture since I'm part Chon'sin myself."

"Wow! I want to learn about it too!" Annette exclaimed. "When we have the time, could you educate us a bit?"

"I wouldn't mind hearing about it as well." Mercedes suggested.

Kendall beamed, feeling excited that she was going to talk about her culture to her friends at some point. "Of course!" Looking over towards the next person she hasn't seen in a while, she practically charged towards them, tackling them in a hug. "Oh my gods, Ashe! You've gotten taller! I remember when you were shorter than me!"

Stumbling on his words, Ashe's face turned bright red. "N-Nice to see you again, Kendall..."

"You too!" Glancing towards his arms, Kendall wore a surprised expression. "Wow! You gained some muscle! Have you been working out?"

Shifting his eyes wide to side nervously, Ashe nodded while looking flustered. "More or less..."

Sylvain leaned over towards Felix while whispering something. "You better step up your game or else Ashe will be stealing your girl."

Turning away with an irritated expression, Felix crossed his arms. "Will you stop with that nonsense already?!"

Ingrid let out a sigh. "Sylvain, stop teasing him."

Looking around her group of friends, Kendall noticed there was one person she had yet seen. "I wonder where Dedue is."

"He's dead." Hearing Dimitri's malicious voice, she turned around, seeing him joining the group with Byleth, even Seteth and Flayn who were following right behind. Noticing Dimitri's darkened expression about the loss of his dear friend, she knew that he wasn't joking.

Tearing up at the news, Kendall placed her hand over her mouth. "No! Not him! Why?!" The once happy reunion turned gloomy about the news of Dedue's death. The rest of her friends wore sadden expressions, heartbroken about their former classmate's death.

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