Chapter 21| Blossoming

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   After the war between the Empire and Kingdom came to an end, everyone went back to Garreg Mach to discuss Fódlan's future

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After the war between the Empire and Kingdom came to an end, everyone went back to Garreg Mach to discuss Fódlan's future. The Leicester Alliance was no more since Claude stepped down his position as leader. He claims he needed to go elsewhere, wherever that may be. And so, it was up to Dimitri as Faerghus's new king to restore peace to Fódlan.

During the war, there were a number of people who had gotten injured, not killed fortunately. One of them happened to be Felix. He did the unthinkable...

Putting his life on the line for someone else.


Seeing an arrow flying towards Kendall's direction, Felix's mind went blank. He didn't even think of reflecting it with his sword. Instead, he rushed up to her and pushed her out of the way, taking the hit for her.

Seeing Felix falling towards the floor, Kendall rushed over towards him and caught him right before he could touch the ground. Feeling herself start to tremble, she was doing her best to remain calm but to no avail. "Felix! Why did you do that?! Why did you..?"

Felix winced in pain. "I don't know myself. My body moved on its own. I'm such a fool..."

"Yes, you are! You..! You shielded me from that arrow even when your health is low!"

"Damn, I never thought... I would risk my life for someone else..."

Feeling her eyes getting hot, Kendall tried to hold back her tears. "Don't say that! Please..!"

"My vision... I can barely... See you..." That was the last thing that was said before everything went dark.


Slowly opening his eyes, Felix felt like his upper chest was sore both inside and outside. That dream was a memory that happened not too long ago. His hair was down and unkept. There were bandages wrapped around his bare chest. It felt like he was going to lose someone important to him, not regretting taking the arrow for her this time.

Hearing someone singing next to him, he shifted his eyes. To his surprise, it was Kendall. She was singing the song that he always wanted to hear her sing. Finally, he was able to hear it. Wanting to listen to it, he kept silent while listening to her soothing voice.

Once she was done singing, Kendall let out a sigh. Looking over towards Felix, she wasn't expecting him to be awake, slightly jumping from her seat. "Oh..! I didn't expect you to be awake already."

"I've been awake."

"You didn't hear all that, right..?"

"I would be lying if I said I didn't hear you sing."

Kendall covered her face with her hands all flustered like. "Gods, this is really embarrassing..!"

"I enjoyed listening to it, so... You have nothing to be ashamed about." Slowly sitting up from his bed, Felix was curious about one thing. "...Did you stay by my side this entire time?"

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