Chapter 20| The Khan's Daughter

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   A rough few days had gone by since then

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A rough few days had gone by since then. Kendall was waiting for a message back from her father. She didn't know how he would respond to the tragic news. Would he come straight here to help out with the war? Only time would answer that.

"Do not fret, miss." The guard said. "We'll inform you once we receive something."

Kendall nodded. "Thank you very much." Walking away from the guard, she felt her heart racing. She really wanted to know what her father will say about her message. There were so many thoughts occupying her mind, more about other people than herself.

Letting out a sigh while walking with her head lowered, Kendall didn't look where she was going and bumped into someone. Looking up, she felt her heart drastically drop. It was the person she feared the most. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!"

It was none other than Dimitri. He didn't look down at her with a deadly glare, but instead... A forgiving smile. "It's quite alright. I wasn't looking where I was going as well."

Getting caught off guard by Dimitri's change of demeanor, Kendall was taken aback. He didn't look like he wanted to kill anyone anymore. He looked sane, the side she wasn't afraid of. "What..?! How are you.. Like this?!"

Dimitri couldn't help but laugh. "I've done a lot of thinking for the past few days. I realized how wrong my actions have been. I've been hurting and jeopardizing the ones who truly care for me. It was wrong of me to keep going down the path of bloodshed."

Blinking fast, Kendall had to process that Dimitri was really acting so casual and not like some wild animal. Feeling safe around him for the first time in years, she showed him a smile. "I'm happy that you've come back to your senses."

Dimitri sadly smiled. "I was completely aware that you've been terrified of me. I deeply apologize for making you feel unsafe around me."

Kendall waved her hands frantically. "No, no! It's ok! Yeah... I was so terrified, but... I'm not anymore. But you know what I was terrified about the most?"

"What is it?"

"That I've lost a dear friend." The atmosphere was serious for only five seconds. "Not to mention, I really wanted to point out a few things. I wanted to say you needed a good nap, a nutritious meal, and a damn shower. No offense, but you stunk like rats and corpses, but I was so scared to say all those things at the time."

Shaking his head with a smile, Dimitri chuckled under his breath. "You speak the truth, Kendall. I did reek of those things."

"Yeah... No kidding."

Silent for a moment, Dimitri wore a bittersweet smile while staring towards the ground. "I... Want to thank you."

Kendall raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

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