Chapter 14| Light to Dark

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   A couple months has passed since then

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A couple months has passed since then. Walking her way towards the training grounds, Kendall was holding a sword that was wrapped up in cloth. Spotting Dimitri walking the opposite direction, he had a distant expression which was unusual for him. As they were getting more close, Kendall smiled. "Good afternoon, your highness."

Dimitri had a delayed reaction before he even noticed her presence. "Good... Afternoon." He didn't even stop or say anything else, continuing to walk with a troubled expression. Not knowing why he was on edge, she continued her way towards the training grounds.

Opening the doors to the training grounds, Kendall saw Felix training as usual. Holding the wrapped blade in her hand, she started walking over towards him. "I'm here."

Pausing his training, Felix gave Kendall his attention. Noticing her holding something in a wrapped cloth, he arched an eyebrow. "What is that?"

"It's for you."

"For me?"

Kendall nodded. "It's your birthday today, isn't it?"

Putting the pieces together, Felix placed his hand on his hip. "It is, but you didn't have to get me anything."

"You'll regret saying that once you know what this is~!" Handing him the wrapped cloth, Felix received it from her, pulling the rope at the bottom where it was concealing the opening. Digging his hand in the cloth, he took out an enhanced killing edge that looked almost indestructible. The blade was shiny to the point where his reflection was shown. Seeing him admiring it in silence, Kendall spoke up. "I found the strongest and sturdiest materials there was, and had the local blacksmith make it. Do you like it?"

"It's..." Felix was admiring it some more. "It's incredible. Perhaps the finest sword I've ever laid my eyes on. Thank you."

Seeing that he liked it so much put a smile on her face. "I'm glad you like it so much. If you swing the sword hard enough, a gust of wind will blow your enemies away. Literally."

"I'll be using this sword quite often. You wouldn't mind me putting it to the test? I want to see just how strong it is."

Pulling out her own sword from her sheath, Kendall nodded. "Of course you can. I had a feeling you would say something like that."

Taking his stance, Felix was prepared to fight. Holding the grip of the sword, he was eager to swing this sword. Readying her stance, Kendall made the first move, the two encountering their attacks. The sound of clashing blades echoed throughout the training grounds.

Their footwork was gradually going back and forth, their focus was on each other and their blades. Once their blades crossed, Felix smirked. "I have to say, this is one sturdy blade."

Kendal slyly smiled. "Is it the best birthday gift you received?"

"It is, actually."

"Good to hear. At least you're putting it in good use." Their attacks were getting faster, their movements were gradually growing rapid by the second. They were doing their best to keep up with each other, not wanting to make an opening.

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