Chapter 11| The Great Outdoors

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   Kendall was reading a book at her desk, a story Ashe had recommended to her

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Kendall was reading a book at her desk, a story Ashe had recommended to her. A story about a female knight going down a different path in life. It's a trilogy and she was almost done with the last one.

"Hey Kendall-" Sylvain called out.

Putting her hand up, Kendall didn't take her eyes off of the book. "Hold on for a minute. I'm on the last page."

"No worries. I can wait."

"...A single pink petal landed on the water as she rode away on her valiant stead, the lake making a ripple effect as she rode off towards the direction of the wind." Closing the book and letting out a sigh, she looked up at Sylvain. "Yes Sylvain?"

"I wanted to ask you a teensy favor."

"Which is what exactly..?"

"Lately, Felix has been really tense. I want to find some way for him to loosen up."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I want you to distract for me. You know, just talk to him. And I'll sneak up from behind him and scare him. Works every time."

Kendall raised an eyebrow. "You scare him as a way for him to loosen up?"

"It always worked since we were kids. Trust me, it works and you'll get a kick out of it."

"Now that you mention it, I've never seen him jump out of his own skin." Kendall softly laughed. "You must know a lot about him, huh?"

"I sure do. So what do you say? Are you in?"

Kendall stood up from her seat, excited sparkles surrounding her. "Count me in!"


Shortly after, Kendall walked towards the direction of the training grounds, assuming that's where Felix will most likely be. Opening the door, she saw him swinging his sword through the air. His movements were clean, his focus was only on his training.

Walking over towards him but not getting too close, Kendall cleared her throat to get his attention. "Hey Felix..?"

Pausing his training, Felix wiped the sweat from his forehead. Sylvain was right, from his body language, he seemed tense for some reason. "What do you want? Do you want to train with me?"

"In a bit, but... I would like to discuss something first."

Putting his sword away, Felix's focus was now on her. "Alright. What is it?"

Making sure his back was turned towards the door, Kendall walked towards the other side of him. "I wanted to, um... Ask you a very important question."

"Then get to the point." Felix shifted his eyes, assuming he was trying to avoid looking at her on purpose.

"For research purposes..." Kendall saw Sylvain sneaking in, trying not to make anything obvious by continuing to look upon Felix. "Do you think it's worth learning magic when you're so advanced in swordsmanship?"

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