2 - In my feelings [Editing]

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"Did you remember to register Cesar at school?" 

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"Did you remember to register Cesar at school?" 

"Yes Riella, for the tenth time," Oscar said, sounding annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "Can you just grab the big bag of tostadas from the top shelf?"

He laughed as he pulled them down and put them in the grocery cart. "Why are you so short?"

"Why are you so tall, pendejo?" 

I checked the list I made for Costco. "How much beer do you need this week?"

"Just get five cases. If I need more, I'll get more."

I nodded. We finished up shopping and went outside to the impala to load everything inside. "What do you want me to cook tonight?" I looked up at him and gave him a shocked look. "You're gonna cook? On a Sunday?"

"Haha, pendeja. You bought the food, the least I can do is cook." "You're right."

We closed the trunk and got in the car. "So what you want me to make?" "I don't know. Maybe just tacos." He nodded, then reached up and pulled his cigarette from his ear. He lit it and took a few puffs before starting the car and pulling off. 

Sometimes I catch myself doing what I'm doing right now. 

Staring at Oscar. 

He's just always been so cute, but lately, as he's been getting older, he's actually been looking fine. Like, he does these subtle things that drive me crazy. I'll never tell him that though. Sometimes I catch him licking his lips while talking to me and then he'll smile right after. Or he does this thing now where he raises one eyebrow to add emphasis to what he said or if he's confused. That shit is so sexy.

"Why you staring at me mami?"

I shook my head and looked away. Luckily my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hey ma. Yes, I'm with Oscar." I turned to look at him. "My mom says hi." I rolled my eyes when he smiled hard. "Dinner at our house tonight?" I looked back over at Oscar and he nodded. "Okay, we'll see you later. I love you too, bye."

As soon as I hung the phone up. "Don't say a word puto!" He smiled hard as fuck. "I told you your mom likes me." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

Then my phone rang again. "Hey Cesar. Yeah? Okay, well we're almost home. Bye?"

"What did Little Spooky want?"

"Okay, first of all, his name is not Little Spooky." He sucked his teeth, "Yeah, okay."

"Oscar, Cesar is not going to ever be a Santo."

"Riella, we've talked about this. That shit isn't any of your fucking business. So stay out of it." He said as his nostrils flared a bit. 

"Oscar, but you...."

"RIELLA!" He gripped the steering wheel tight. I know he's getting pissed now. He doesn't like me getting involved with any Santos stuff. "Leave it!"

I nodded and sat back in my seat. I don't care what he says though. Cesar was not meant to be a Santo.

We pulled up to their house. Oscar got out slamming his door. He walked to the trunk of the car and started grabbing grocery bags. Tony, Benny, Santi, and Angel were here as well. They were the Santos that Oscar trusted the most and that he had known the longest. 

Tony, or Sad Eyes as they called him, was Oscar's other best friend. They grew up together and related with each other on a lot of stuff. "You need help Oscar?" Tony said walking up to him. 

"Yeah, Thanks." As they unloaded the trunk they all went inside, except for Angel. He walked over to me as I got out of the car, wiping my eyes.

"You okay Riella?" I nodded. But he could always tell when I'm lying. Aside from Oscar, the next Santo that I was closest to was Angel. He actually met me before he met Oscar, when he moved here almost ten years ago. "What happened Riella?"

I sighed and pulled myself up on the hood of Oscar's car. Angel leaned against the car, next to me with his back against it. "You and Oscar fight again?" I nodded. "I just don't get it Angel. He knows Cesar isn't cut out for this, but he's determined to still make him a damn Santo." He nodded. "You just got to look at it from his point of view Ri, he wants to make sure Cesar is always protected."

"But this wasn't even what Oscar wanted Angel! So how can he want this for Cesar?!" I started crying. I couldn't help it. I know what Oscar has been through. If his father wouldn't have had him jumped in, Oscar wouldn't even be here right now. He'd be in culinary school or working in someone's restaurant. If his father wouldn't have died, Oscar wouldn't have had to become the leader of the Santos.

Angel moved off of the car and walked over to me. He moved in between my legs to hold me. "Riella don't cry. You just care so much about the both of them." I buried my head in his chest. "They're lucky to have you Riella."

"Oscar is lucky to have you."

I frowned a little and pulled back to look at him. "Angel?" He slid his hands down from my arms to my thighs. Something changed in his eyes. 


We turned to see Oscar on the porch steps. Angel backed up from me and looked a little torn. 


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