47 - Just Pictures

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It didn't take anytime for Riella to pass out from the chocolate

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It didn't take anytime for Riella to pass out from the chocolate. I thought it would take at least 2 of them to put her to sleep, but she's a lightweight. As soon as I could tell that she was in a deep sleep I pulled the car over to a park. I parked underneath the shade of a few trees and cut the car off. I sat back and just turned to stare at her for a while. She was absolutely gorgeous without even trying.

My sister and her friends, they were pretty, but they all did too much for me. I didn't like all that makeup, big earrings and long ass nails. Most of the cholos did, but that wasn't for me. Riella was a natural beauty. I was starting to appreciate each and every one of her features. Her big brown eyes usually told every emotion that she was feeling. Whether she was scared, angry, sad or even just hungry. I could usually tell now just by looking into her eyes. And her little nose. 

I reached over and tapped the tip of her nose. It would always turn the cutest shade of red whenever she got upset. I smiled as her face scrunched up a little in her sleep. 

My phone rang and I answered it. "Yeah?" "Are you with her?" "Yep!" "Is she knocked out?" "Yep, those chocolates did the trick." "I told you they would mano. Now, do what you need to and then take her to the grocery store. She'll wake up just thinking she took a quick nap in the car." I nodded, "Okay. And you? Are you on your way to visit him?" "Yep, I sure am." "Alright, well good luck. I'll see you at home." 

I hung up the phone and looked back over at my beautiful girl. 

I brushed some of her hair out of her face and moved her over in her seat. So that she could be positioned closer to me. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers and used my phone to take a few pictures. I took a few with her hands in mine and her hand on my leg. 

After I took the pictures that I was required to, I couldn't help myself. I ventured a little further. I started opening the buttons to the shirt that she was wearing. Slowly, one by one. I could feel myself getting hard. I stopped as soon as her bra was exposed to me. These pictures would be for me and only me. I snapped a few pictures of her breasts inside of her bra and a few of her with the buttons as low as I could get them.

I started rubbing myself as I continued to look at her. 

I sat my phone down and buttoned her shirt back up. But then I couldn't resist. I couldn't control myself. I leaned over and started kissing her on her neck. Rubbing my hands between her thighs. Then I leaned down and started kissing her on her lips. Even though she wasn't kissing me back I was hard as hell. It was taking everything in my to not just lay her seat back and fuck her. But that's not my style. I'm not a rapist. 

She started to move around more in her sleep so I stopped. I put my phone into my pocket and started the car back up. I started driving towards the nearest grocery store and parked in the parking lot. As soon as I did, Riella woke up. She stretched and looked over at me. "Did I fall asleep?"

I laughed a little, "Yeah you did. You must have been really tired morenita. But we're here now. You ready?"

She nodded and looked around briefly, giving a few confused blinks. Then she shrugged her shoulders. "Yep, let's go."

I smiled. "Let's go."


Rio is a borderline rapist. He already drugged her and tested the waters.

I wonder what else he's capable of?

Poor Riella is going to have to put her guard up, big time

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