10 - Secrets

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When I woke up the next morning I couldn't sit up

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When I woke up the next morning I couldn't sit up. I looked down and realized Angel had his arms wrapped around me so I couldn't move. "Angel, Angel, wake up." He stirred slightly and then opened up his eyes. "Hey beautiful." I blushed at his statement. "Angel we need to get up, my mom might come in here any minute now." He sat up and let me go. "Does she have to work?" I nodded, "Yeah." I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was almost eight thirty. Then I heard my mom's footsteps coming up the hallway. I pushed Angel to the floor. "Stay down!" I whisper yelled to him. 

My mom opened the door to my room and smiled at me. "Feeling better this morning mija?" I nodded. "Yeah." "Good, will you talk to Oscar today?" I shook my head. "No, I don't think so mom." "Mija are you really going to throw away your friendship over one argument?" I didn't answer her. "Well I won't be back until late. Eat the leftovers from last night for dinner tonight okay." I nodded. My mom left my room and I listened as she left the house and drove off.

Angel stood up and sat back down on the bed. "So you and Oscar got into it huh?" I sighed. "Yeah, but fuck him. I don't want to talk about him." Angel moved over next to me, pulling me over to him. "So I finally get to spend some time with you now?" I nodded. "Yeah." Angel rolled over on top of me, hovering over me. "Finally." He leaned down and kissed me gently. When he pulled back we both smiled at each other. 

Angel sat up and I did too. I stood up and checked my hair, fixing my bun. "Are you hungry?" I turned and looked at Angel. He nodded. "Yes." "Okay come on, I'll cook us something for breakfast." I started walking up the hallway when I felt Angel wrap his arms around my waist and walk with me into the kitchen. Once we got to the kitchen he turned me around and picked me up, sitting me on the counter. "I thought you were hungry?" I asked smiling at him. He smiled back, "I am, but that can wait." He leaned in and kissed me. I responded by placing my hands around his neck and kissing him back. He moved his hands from my waist down to my thighs, giving them a slight squeeze. We kept kissing and after a few minutes Angel reached behind me and pulled me up to him.

"Damn Riella." Angel said after he pulled back from my lips. I smiled at him, blushing. "Let's cook." He nodded, "Okay." I started pulling things out of the refrigerator and I could feel Angel's eyes on me the entire time. I turned and looked at him. "What?" I said smiling. He shook his head. "I just can't believe that we're actually getting a chance to try this out between us." We just stood there staring at each other like idiots. Then Angel's phone started ringing. He pulled it out and gave me a look. I frowned a little. "What? Who is it?" He sighed. "It's Spooky." "Oh." He answered the phone. "Que paso? Si, I'll be there. Where am I?" He looked over at me. I shook my head quickly. "I'm at the store for mi abuela. I'll come once I leave." He hung up the phone.

He looked at me. "So I guess we're not telling Spooky about us?" "I'm not talking to him at all so I guess you're not telling him about us." "I'm serious Riella." "So am I. Do you really think it would be a good idea to tell him we're seeing each other?" He sighed and looked away from me for a moment and then looked back into my eyes. "You're right. So I guess for now, this is our little secret then." I kissed him gently and pulled back slowly. "Just for now." He nodded. "I'm gonna go see what he wants. Once I'm done, I'll text you. What time does your mom get back?" I bit my lip slightly. "She doesn't. She won't be back until tomorrow morning." He raised an eyebrow, "Really?" I nodded, "Umhm." He leaned in and kissed me. "I'll see you in a little while then bebesita." "Okay."

I watched him walk out the door and let out a big breath. I can't lie, it felt good to be held like that. To be looked at like that. To be kissed like that. I really like Angel. But there was no way I could let Oscar find out about us. Even though we aren't speaking right now, I know Oscar and I know what he would do to Angel if he found out we were seeing each other. So for now we would keep everything a secret. 


So how are we feeling about Angel and Riella?

What about Oscar?

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