5 - Over protective?

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Why did Oscar have to tell me how he felt

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Why did Oscar have to tell me how he felt. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about what he said. I can't stop thinking about how he looked when he said it. Ugh, and men say women are complicated. I would do my best to push that to the back of my thoughts though.

I picked up the rest of the trash from the floor and tied up the bag. Then I opened up the front door to sit outside while I finished cleaning up everything else. 

"Riella? What are you doing here mami?" I looked up to see Angel. He looked really cute today. He had on some khaki shorts,  a white t-shirt and of course some long white socks. Today he also had in some earrings which made his smile seem brighter. "What am I doing here? What are you  doing here?" I asked him.

He smiled at me as he walked up the steps. "I came to chill with Spooky and Sad Eyes, aren't they here?" I shook my head, "They had some meeting they had to go to."

He nodded. We stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Well, you want to come in and wait for them?" He smiled, "If that's cool with you." I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't mind, I'm just cleaning." He followed me inside and closed the door.

I headed over to the kitchen and started wiping down the counters to get ready to get dinner started. Angel walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. He looked around the kitchen. "Riella, what are you doing?" I turned and looked at him and frowned. "Hmm?" "Riella, the house is spotless, what are you cleaning?" "I just have to make sure the kitchen is ready for me to start cooking in." He nodded. "Well, what are you cooking? Can I help you with anything?"

I smiled at him, "You know how to cook?" He sucked his teeth, "What are you cooking?" "Arroz con pollo y empanadas." He stood up and walked up to the stove. "Let's do this then." I held up my hands. "Wait! Because Oscar is very particular with how his empanadas are made. I'll do those. You can make the rice and then we'll work on the chicken together."

He laughed and shook his head. I frowned at him. "What's funny puto?" "You. Why do you do all of this for him? You treat Oscar like he's a fucking king or something." I shook my head. "He's my best friend Angel. You know that. We've been through a lot of shit together. He'd do the same for me." "Other people would too. If they got the chance." I looked up at him. "Huh?" "You and Oscar are always around each other. Like you're together." "We're not!" "I know, pero Oscar.....nevermind." He started boiling the water for the rice. I stopped what I was doing. "What?" He shook his head. "Don't worry about it." "No, what were you going to say Angel?" "Oscar's just really protective over you. He doesn't let anyone get close to you. Even though you were my friend before I even knew Oscar." 

Angel gave me that look that he had given me the other night outside at Oscar's car. He turned to me and stopped me from prepping the filling for the empanadas. My eyes opened up wide. "Angel?" He took a deep breath and then sighed. "Angel what is it?" "Riella, I, um..."

Before he was able to speak, Oscar and Sad Eyes walked in. Angel and I looked at them walk in. As soon as Oscar saw Angel next to me, he frowned hard as hell. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey Oscar. Angel was helping me make dinner for everyone." Oscar glared at Angel for a moment and then looked down at me and smiled. I pulled his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. "We're making arroz con pollo y empanadas." He looked over at Angel. "I got it from here Angel."

I looked back and forth between the two of them. Angel looked at Oscar then  he looked at me. "I'm sure you do Spooky." He washed his hands and walked into the living room. I see what he meant. Oscar was really protective over me. But we've just been through so much. Oscar knows what I've been through. He just doesn't want to see me get hurt. Oscar looked down at me and smiled again as I started filling the empanadas. "You're over filling them again Riella." He moved behind me and took my hands into his. "Just a fork full mamita. Then after you fill it use the fork to close it, like this." I smiled and laughed. "You're always so particular when you cook."

We kept making the rest of the empanadas and Oscar started cooking them once they were ready. We finished up everything else and prepped it on big plates. Cesar walked in and sat his book bag down on the floor next to the front door. I smiled at him, "Hey Cesar. How was your first day of eighth grade?" He plopped down in one of the chairs at the dining table. "It was exhausting. We already have homework. Can you believe that?!" I laughed. "Well come eat and then you can start your homework." He nodded and sat up, sniffing the air. "What did you make? It smells amazing." 

"Oscar and Riella made it together. Arroz con pollo y empanadas." Angel said. He didn't sound too happy when he said it. Oscar looked over at him and frowned. "Is there a problem Angel?"

Angel shrugged. "Nope." He chuckled and stood up to leave. "I'll catch you fools later." He looked directly at me. "I told you." Then he walked out, closing the door behind himself. Oscar looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?" I shook my head. "Nada."

Everyone ate and Cesar went to his room to work on his homework. Sad Eyes dapped up Oscar and got ready to leave. "Thanks for the food Riella, it was delicious." I smiled at him. "You're welcome Tony. See you tomorrow." He nodded and left. I was already in the kitchen, putting away everything and cleaning up. Oscar walked over and sat his beer down on the counter. "What did Angel mean earlier? When he said 'I told you'." I sighed. I knew he wasn't going to leave that alone. "He thinks that you're over protective when it comes to me." He shrugged. "I am. So what." He said nonchalantly. "He just doesn't get our friendship." Oscar moved closer to me. "I think Angel likes you." I frowned. "Really?" He nodded.

"Oh." We got quiet, so I just finished washing the last of the dishes. It was always awkward talking about guys around Oscar, so I just didn't.

"Well that's it. So I guess I'll go home now. I'll see you in the morning okay."

He shook his head. "I'll walk you home. It's too late to let you walk alone." I nodded. He was right. We got outside and slowly started walking towards my house. I looked up at him and smiled. "Race you!" We both took off and ran across the street to my house. As we made it into the yard I tripped and fell down. Oscar stopped and ran to me. "Riella! Are you okay?" I sat up and nodded. "Yeah, I think so." He shook his head and laughed a little. "Sometimes I forget how clumsy you are." He helped me up and pulled me into him. He wiped my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. 

I pushed away a little. "I should go ahead and get inside. I'll see you tomorrow Oscar." He nodded and watched me go inside.

Once I was inside, I peeked out of the window to watch him walk back across the street. I wouldn't admit it, but after Oscar confessed his feelings to me I haven't been able to look at him the same. All the little things that would catch my attention before are literally driving me crazy now. His smell, his smile, the way he calls me nicknames. Hell, the way he says my name. 

I don't know if I was going to be able to keep things the same and ignore the way I was feeling. 


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