43 - Visitation Part 2

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Everyone was getting up, making up their beds and shit

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Everyone was getting up, making up their beds and shit. I didn't move a muscle. What was the point? Since I'm in lock up, I'm the only one in this cell. I don't give a fuck though, this shit suits me just fine. 

I stood up and washed my face, then brushed my teeth. I took a deep breath, today made it officially one week that I'd been in here. They still wouldn't allow me to use the phone like they did the other inmates. I know this shit isn't right. The way they're treating me isn't right. They're not allowing me access to anything that deals with the outside. I can't talk to Riella, I can't talk to Cesar, I can't talk to Tony, I can't even try to get a lawyer. This shit isn't right, at all.

I got dressed and rolled the pants of my uniform at the waist so that the bottom wouldn't drag on the dusty ass floor. This jail was nasty as fuck. I couldn't stand being here. I rolled my eyes as I made up my bed and sat on it, waiting for inspection. As soon as the officer walked up and unlocked the door I stood up, moving to the ends of the bed so that he could inspect everything.

"Diaz turn around and place your hands behind you please."

I frowned up, "Huh? Why?" "You got visitation today, that's why? Come on, don't make me ask you twice." I sighed with my frown still on my face. I turned and let him put the cuffs on me. "What the fuck am I getting cuffed for?" He grabbed my cuffed hands and started leading me out of the cell. "You got visitors Diaz." I raised one of my eyebrows. Visitors? 

He led me down a long walkway and then to the visitation dorm. He took the cuffs off of me. "Sit down. Your visitors will be in here shortly." I sat down and faced the wall of glass in front of me. One seat, a thick wall of glass and a telephone. That's what I had to communicate with my visitors. Who were my visitors? 

Shortly after, a door on the visitor's side opened up and I could hear a couple of pairs of feet walking down to where I was seated. The first person that walked up was an average sized man, definitely latino, probably a lawyer since he was wearing a suit. Next was Montana. I nodded at him. I appreciated him coming to see me. Then last, I saw her walk up in a blue t-shirt dress, a jean jacket and some tennis shoes. Her hair was pulled up in that messy bun that I loved. My mouth opened up and all of the air left my lungs. I jumped up out of my seat and placed both of my hands on the glass. She pushed past both of the guys and did the same, she put her knees on the seat so that she could get high enough to place her hands where my hands were on the glass. We just both stood there for a moment. I swear I could feel the heat from her hands on my side of the glass. Those big brown eyes. For a whole week that's all I've wanted to see was those big brown eyes. Even though they were filling at the bottom with tears, they were what I had been wanting to see for a whole week. 

"Riella." I said her name, even though I know she couldn't hear me from her side. "Oscar." I could read her lips from her side. I felt so many emotions running through me. I wanted to just hold her so fucking bad. I balled up one of my fists and hit the glass. This was torture. To be locked up in here and to be able to see Riella, but not touch her, hold her, anything. I sat back down in my chair and watched her walk off to the side to calm down. 

Montana sat down in the chair and picked up the phone first. I quickly grabbed the phone. "Spooky, how's the inside treating you holmes?" I shook my head, "I'm getting through it, but I need to be back out there like yesterday." I pointed over to where Riella had walked to, "How is she doing?" Montana shook his head, "She's doing okay. She just wants to help you as much as she can." I nodded, "Look, I don't know how long I'm going to be in here. Can you please look out for her?" "I got you Spooky." "No, seriously. She's hard headed as fuck. Don't let her do too much. Make sure she eats and shit, you know." Montana nodded, "I got you fool. I'll let you talk to Mr. Perez. He says he thinks he can get you out of here soon."

I nodded. Montana hung up the phone and walked over to the lawyer. The lawyer walked up and so did Riella. The lawyer picked up the phone, "Hello Mr. Diaz, my name is Mr. Perez. I'm going to be your lawyer from now on okay?" I nodded, "Okay." I was trying to concentrate on everything that he was saying but Riella was sitting right there next to him. She could distract me from having a gun pointed directly at my head. She's so fucking beautiful. I tried to keep my eyes trained on the lawyer. He asked me a few questions, and I answered them as best as I could. He told me that the police may not have enough evidence against me to maintain the current charges.

I pulled my eyes from looking at Riella, back to the lawyer. "So what exactly does that mean for me?" "It means that I may be able to get the charges against you lowered and get you out of here a hell of a lot sooner that we thought."


The lawyer nodded, "Yes sir. I just need you to try to stay on your best behavior while you're in here." I nodded, "Okay I will." I looked back over at Riella. "Can you hand her the phone?" "Sure thing, I should probably be back to see you  later on this week." I nodded, "Okay."

Riella got up and took the seat directly in front of me. "Mamita, how are you doing?" "I'm okay, I guess. How are you doing Oscar?" I couldn't really answer her back like I wanted to. I felt like I was going to cry if I tried to say another word. I just nodded my head. "Oscar everything is okay. Cesar is still going to school, I'm at the house everyday. Everything will be okay." I dipped my head down and wiped my face. Then I looked back up at her. "Riella I love you so much mamita. You know that?" She nodded her head, "I know Oscar. I know. I love you too." 

"Diaz, visitation time is over. Let's go."

"Riella, mamita, I need you to promise me something." She nodded her head, "Anything, what is it Oscar?" "You can't come here anymore. Promise me you won't come to anymore visitations." Her little face frowned up and I could see her little nose instantly turn red. "What?! Why? Why would you want that Oscar?!" "Riella I need to get through this. And I can't do that seeing you and not being able to touch you. So please." 

"Time's up Diaz. Hang up the phone." I hung up the phone and put my hands together for them to cuff me. I watched as Riella yelled on the other side of the glass. I couldn't hear her, but her face was making me break down inside. I held my emotions. I watched Montana pull Riella from the chair and pull her into him. She grabbed him and cried into his chest and I nodded at him. At least I know he'll watch after her for me. 

I quickly walked out of the visitation dorm and walked alongside the officer back to my cell. Being in jail wasn't going to be hard for me. Shit I've done it before. It was being away from Riella that was going to be the hardest thing for me to get through.


How do you guys feel about Oscar telling Riella not to come back?

Do you think Mr. Perez is going to help Oscar?

How do you think Rio is going to act now that Oscar told him to watch after Riella for him?

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