3 - Why?

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Oscar looked at me, but he didn't say anything

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Oscar looked at me, but he didn't say anything. Then he turned around and went back inside. I slid down off of the car and walked inside. 

"Riella, come here! I want to show you my new clothes and stuff."

"Okay Cesar, I'm coming." 

Oscar didn't even look my way as I walked through the house. Yep, still mad. I wanted into Cesar's room. "What did you get?" He pulled out all of his new clothes, shoes, belts and "Hair gel?" He nodded. "Yep, this is my last year of middle school. I'm trying to do things a little different this year." I laughed. "Okay." I sat the hair gel back on his dresser. "Hey, get dressed though. My mom wants us to eat dinner at our house." 


I walked out of his room and back into the living room. It was empty now, the guys had moved outside to the porch and the yard. Cesar walked out from his room, "I'm ready Riella." "Okay, let's go." We walked outside. "We're heading to my house now, if you're still coming Oscar." He ashed his cigarette and stood up. After he dapped up all the Santos outside, he began following me and Cesar across the street.

I opened the door and we all walked in. "Mom?! We're here!" She walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. "Oh, mija!" She hugged me and then Cesar. "Cesar, you're getting so big!" He smiled and then she looked at Oscar.

Oh God, here it comes.

"Oh Oscar! You're grown up! Oh, es muy guapo too!"

"Seriously mom?" "Come on everyone, sit. The food is almost ready." 

"I'm going to go wash my hands first mom." I walked back to my room and went into my bathroom. I washed my hands in the sink and looked up to see Oscar in the reflection of my mirror. I rolled my eyes and dried off my hands. When I went to leave he grabbed my wrist. "Riella." I looked up at him. "What Oscar?" 

"I'm sorry. About earlier." 


"I'm serious Riella. I shouldn't have snapped like that. You know if there was another way." I shook my head. "There is, it's just not your way." I pulled my wrist from his hand and started walking out. "Riella wait!" 

I turned around. "What Oscar? And why did you act like that towards Angel?" He looked away from me. "So now you have nothing to say? You want to act so in control all the time Oscar, but you don't control me! You can't control who I talk to! You can't control Cesar! You can't control Angel!"

"Yes I can!" 

I frowned, "Why can't he talk to me?! What's wrong with Angel, huh?!"

"Riella I care about you that's why!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay? I care about you too! Why do you think I do all that I do for you and Cesar? I care about both of you!" 

He shook his head. He walked over to my door and closed it. Then he moved me back, up against my wall and got the closest I've ever think he's been to my face. "No, Riella. I CARE about you." My heart was racing and my palms started sweating. "Oscar?" He didn't say anything, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes. Was this really happening? Oscar is kissing me.

Oscar is kissing me and it feels.....


He pulled back.

"That's why I don't want Angel talking to you." 

I was speechless. 

My mom called out to us. "The food is ready guys!" Oscar looked at me and then left the room. I stood there with all of these crazy emotions. I reached up and gently touched my lips with my fingertips. I shook my head and took a deep breath, snapping myself out of the trance I was put in by Oscar's kiss.

I walked into the living room to eat dinner. Throughout dinner my mom talked to Cesar about starting middle school, to Oscar about how he's such a good brother and then she looked at me. She was talking, but I couldn't hear her. Then Oscar reached over and squeezed my hand. 

"Huh? What did you say ma?" 

"I was actually talking about you and Oscar." "What? Why?"

"I was just telling the boys that I'm glad you all have each other. I'm glad Oscar decided to be friends with you when we moved here twelve years ago." 

"Oh, yeah."

"Dinner was delicious, as always Mrs. Suarez." 

"Gracias Oscar. Let me pack up the leftovers for you and Cesar to take home." "Okay, thank you." 

Oscar looked over at me. "You okay?" I looked at him and couldn't speak. We had crossed a line tonight. A line that there was no coming back across. I didn't want to admit it, but I think I have feelings for Oscar. I have feelings for my best friend.

My mom walked them out since I was still stuck in my seat. 

"Mija, are you alright?" 

I nodded. "I'm going to go to bed ma." "Okay. Oscar said to tell you to call him before you go to sleep." I nodded and went to my room. After showering, brushing my teeth and putting up my hair I laid in my bed and called Oscar. As soon as the phone answered on his end my phone chimed. I looked at it 'Spooky would like to facetime.' I accepted it. He was sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette.

"You wanted me to call you?"

"Yeah. Um, are you coming with me in the morning to drop Cesar off on his first day?" I nodded. "Yeah." 


I didn't know what else to say. 

"I'm sorry Riella. I shouldn't have kissed you earlier." 

"You think? How long have you felt like that?" 

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. A long time, I guess." 

I took a deep breath. "Well I should go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning Oscar." 




I just hung up. What the hell? This was weird. Oscar had feelings for me? And he's felt like this for a while? Ugh. I threw my face into my pillow and closed my eyes.

I'll figure things out tomorrow.


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