A Bustling Boulevard

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The road we stepped into was brightly lit and full of humans, despite the time at night. Mareep and Litwick stood in awe. I, however, prodded them to the side of the road where we weren't in the way of humans passing through.

"Careful, we don't want to trip anyone."

"Sorry," Mareep replied, "but look at it! There are so many humans! And the number of buildings! I can't see the end of them!"

I turned and took a look for myself. There seemed to be a never-ending stream of people coming and going. Lights flickered in a way that seemed to move with the steppes of people.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I never knew this amount of people could be in one place," I commented.

I heard a whimper and found that it came from Litwick.

"It's a bit much. All of those people moving and those bright lights-"

"Hey hey," I interrupted, "are you okay? We can go somewhere else if you want to. I'm sure there's someplace that has fewer people."

Litwick nodded slightly and I started to walk along the street. The others followed behind me as I stuck close to the shadows of buildings. Countless of human and pokemon passed us but seemed to never spare a passing glance. Finally, the streams of bodies stopped and the road opened before us.

Before us now was a circular park with a fountain in the center. There was still a fair amount of people; a few humans stood by the fountain or sat on benches. I checked to see if Litwick was doing better.

"Are you good, Litwick?"

"There are still so many things going on, but I'm doing a bit better." He gave a grin though his still uncomfortable expression.

"But where can we explore now," Mareep questioned.

I looked around to see if there were any more quiet places we could go to. I spotted a narrow alley with dim lighting ahead.

"How about over there?" I pointed at the dark street.

"Sure," Litwick responded. 

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