Confronted at the Cafe

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Mareep and Litwick looked at me with confused expressions. We were still standing in the entranceway, so I wanted to get out of the way. I looked for somewhere else we could stand.

"Come on guys," I said while guiding them to a table.

Mareep and I sat on the cushioned seat while I set Litwick on the table.

"What now," Mareep questioned.

"Well, the human said that he was going to get us something. Let's wait for now," I answered

The others then kept their heads down, probably out of wariness. I looked around the room and observed more details. The room of the cafe itself was small, with only eight seats in total, including the ones Mareep and I were sitting on. There were only three humans in the room, the one in a suit and red bowtie, one standing up with glasses and playing the guitar, and one other human I didn't see at first. She was sitting at the only other table, drinking something I smelled was tea. Her long hair was the same rose-red as her medium length dress with a forest green belt on top going across her waist.

After a few more minutes, Them man in the grey suit came to our table. He set down three small glasses filled with a translucent yellow liquid.

"What is it," Litwick asked at me.

"I'm...not sure."

"That is lemonade. Don't worry about paying for it, Cafe Sonata gives each pokemon one free drink."

Mareep, Litwick and I turned to the voice that answered. It came from the human in red rose hair, she had come to our table as well. Her voice was calm and welcoming.

"I apologize for my intrusion, but I find it peculiar for three pokemon such as yourselves come in here at this time of night."

Mareep and Litwick looked at me, surprised and frightened. They looked silently at me, almost expecting me to do something. The woman saw their expressions and talked to us again.

"Please do not worry, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Rose and I just want to ask you some questions."

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