A Change to Conserve

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I shoved Mareep and Litwick out of the way of Liepard's attack. She landed inches away from me, not expecting to miss her target. I took advantage of her monetary surprise and used aerial ace. My tail connected to her jaw and Liepard stumbled backward.

"Mareep! Litwick! Get behind me!"

My two friends did what they were sold and ran behind me. The Liepard recovered quickly and pounced at us one again. I got ready to use aerial ace once again to counter her claws. My tail and her claws collided I midair and sent us back wads a few feet. The Liepard let loose an angry growl before shouting.

"You defiant brat! You're going to need some extra help in accepting my gift. My friends will be happy to help you!"

The other purrloin that were previously watching us started to growl. They all pounced at us at once and all I could see was a storm of purple. All at once, I saw two beams of fire and electricity. There was a small explosion, covering the alleyway with smoke. Though my vision was obscured, I saw two glowing figures cutting through the smoke. When the dust settled, two pokemon stood before me, a Flaaffy and Lampent.

"Guys, is that you? Did you evolve," I asked the two pokemon.

The Flaafy looked down at its body and responded.

"Of course it's us Servine!"

"But yes, I think we did evolve," the Lampent answered.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation," we looked at the Liepard talking, "but we still have business to do!"

The Liepard prepared to jump but an incredibly loud shout interrupted her. The whole area quickly filled with the horribly echoing noise. My friends and I covered our ears until it dissipated. Once it was over, the pack of purrloin and Liepard ran away from us. I turned to find the source of the voice and found an Audino, and standing a few feet behind it was Rose.

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