Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen - Sparring

Erin sighed and slumped in her chair. If there was anything she hated more then mushrooms or Brad, it had to be isolation. There was literally nothing to do, except read a book 'Alchemy for Beginners', which was as thick as four Yellow Pages phone books. Erin huffed and opened the book, and started reading. The transmutation circles were so simple a 5 year old could have mastered them. Since she lived with Edward and Alphones, and their Alchemy books were a good read when there was nothing better to do. You could say she was some what of an expert in Alchemy, but never really practiced. The book felt like an insult. But Erin felt she made the right decision taking the blame. Envy stood up for her, then why shouldn't she return the favour?



"GET BACK HERE YOU SHRIMP!" Winry shouted to her partner, raising her wrench.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLIN' SO SHORT YOU NEED A MICROSCOPE TO SEE?!" Ed yelled back. His frustration blinded him, and he didn't see the tool fly and hit him square in the fore head, knocking him back. The wrench spun back around in the air, straight into Winry's hand.

"Her wrench turns into a boomerang?" Kimblee muttered, remembering not to get on his student's bad side. Edward clapped his hands and knelt to the ground, ready to perform alchemy on his flat mate.

"I don't want to hurt you Winry!" he warned.

"GOD DAMMIT YOU HOBBIT!" Dawn shouted into the arena. "Do something before she stabs you with her screwdriver!"

Kimblee and everyone else around looked at her in a funny way, making Dawn blush slightly.

"What?" she shrugged. Edward slammed his hands against the floor. The ground under Winry's feet began to shift, making her yelp as she lost her balance. A giant hand transmuted from the cement of the arena itself shot upwards, enclosing Winry in it's rocky grasp. Edward punched the air, feeling victorious. He did not count on the wrench to fly back and hit him where it hurt the most. The Fullmetal Alchemist groaned and folded up, falling back down to his knees. 

"Ohhh!" Mimi giggled and pointed, Kimblee hollered with laughter while Dawn slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"Brother!" Alphones yelled to his beat sibling.

"That's gonna leave a mark! I almost felt that myself!" Greed mocked.

Winry grinned in triumph, then realised she was still stuck in the stony grip of the transmuted ground.

'Oh shit!' 



Erin decided boredom was evil. She was going mad. She had already given up on reading the Alchemy for Beginners book, it was just going to make her brain go even more numb. Because of the dick head Brad she was missing her first Alchemy lesson, one which she had been looking forward to ever since they added it to their subjects. Erin was on the edge of insanity when she suddenly remembered something that had skipped her mind, her doodle book. She dove into her blue school bag and pulled out a little notebook and Biro, flicking through the pages of doodles, drawings, notes and pen sketches of her friends and Envy. Finding a blank page, Erin started drawing little orcas and dolphins, followed by a pool of sharks with Brad hanging over it. She heard the door open, and quickly slid the notebook underneath the thick Alchemy book. Mustang stepped into the room.

"OK in here Erin?" He asked. Erin was one of the nicest students he taught, and was having a hard time believing she had anything to do with what happened. 

"Yes sir...just revising this book" Erin nodded and tapped the page she was apparently reading. 

"Good" Mustang smiled and left the room, closing the door behind him. When she was sure he had gone, Erin slipped her doodle pad from underneath the useless Yellow Pages equivalent and continued to kill Brad on lined paper. 



"Alright Alphones and Mimi, let's get this over with" Kimblee mentioned for the next sparring pair to enter the arena. Mimi flashed her partner a cheeky grin and hopped into the open space like a happy bouncy bunny. Al swallowed. He heard about what Mimi was capable of, and with fire on her side, it felt as if he was going against Mustang. 

"Don't worry Al!" Jayme waved to the Elric boy. "I'm sure you'll do totally great!" 

Al went bright pink and looked down, following Mimi without another word. Mimi went over to one side of the arena, standing in a ready position, fists in front of her, knees bent. Alphones just stood opposite her, no battle stance.

"Let's do this pipsqueak!" 


Alright! This chapter is fucking cursed or something, this is the 3rd time i had to write it because the first time i wrote it and nearly finished my computer deleted it over night, the second time i did on my mum's ipad in IKEA, that time the ipad reduced it to the last time i saved (which wasn't much). HUH! i love how Winry always throws her tools at Edward in the first anime and brotherhood, so i had to make her do this XD she screwed poor ed up, and his valuables D: LOL al is so cute, i just realised OwO but envy will always be my no#1, NO MATTER HOW FEMININE HE MAY SEEM! :D

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