3| Ex boyfriend troubles T.H

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⚠️mature language⚠️

You had broken up with Caleb two months ago. Why? Well long story short, he was a dick. He broke your heart many, many times, yet you always found yourself coming back to him.

Funnily enough,  he was in the same shop and the same isle as you. You definitely didn't want him to see you. Maybe he wouldn't recognise you. You had changed a lot in two months; new hair colour, new style, new you. You were completely different. But of course you being you, and your luck, he did see you. How? You had no idea.
Caleb: y/n? It's so good to see you, you look really good.
A look of disgust crossed over your face.
Y/n: bye Caleb.
Caleb: aww come on baby, lets go home, OUR home.
Y/n: it's not my home anymore Caleb, and do not call me baby, I've moved on from you.
Caleb: Why?
Y/n: why? Because you were and still are an asshole.
He looked angry and annoyed.
Caleb: me?! I was the asshole?! You were the one always moping around and morning at me!
He said raising his voice, you looked around hoping no one would notice.
Y/n: yeah, maybe I was. But it was because I wanted you to love me Caleb! I wanted to feel loved! All you did was go out drinking every night, probably finding yourself different women because 'I wasn't good enough'.
Caleb: baby don't say that, you are good enough, I'm sorry.
Y/n: I'm sorry Caleb, I just can't with you right now.
You turned around and tried to walk away but he grabbed your arm, causing you to gasp.
Caleb: I can change, for you.
Y/n: I said no!

Tom POV:

I was in the shop, buying things obviously, I noticed a girl being annoyed by a man. I decided to stay out of it in case it was something I definitely shouldn't stick my nose into.
Caleb: me?! I was the asshole?! You were the one always moping around and moaning at me!
I heard the man say, the girl carefully looked around. Wow she was pretty! I wandered in and out of the isles, trying to get closer to them in case something got out of hand.

I watched as he grabbed her arm, that was it! No one should treat a women like that! I walked up to her, the mans eyes watched my every move.
Tom: darling is everything alright? I was wondering where you'd gone off to.
She turned to me confused, I gave her the eyes and she quickly caught on. The man let go of her arm.

Y/n POV:

You felt the presence of someone behind you.
?: darling is everything alright? I was wondering where you'd gone off to.
You gave the man a confused look, he looked back at you as if he was telling you something, you eventually understood. Caleb let go of your arm.
Y/n: oh, I was just browsing.
Caleb stood there confused.
Caleb: and who are you?
?: Tom.
Tom, you thought. Cute.
Y/n: he's my boyfriend.
You grabbed Toms hand, it was surprisingly warm and soft. Caleb stood in front of you both, his face contorted into confusion... and more confusion.
Caleb: what?! Your dating him. I don't believe you.
Tom: we've been dating for 1 month and 15 days exactly.
Caleb scoffed.
Caleb: didn't take you long to move on then, did it.
Y/n: says the one who was probably cheating the whole time!
Caleb: this is bullshit y/n! You were never able to get a boyfriend before you were with me, so how have you now?
Tom: because I asked her dumbass.
A smirk spread across Calebs face.
Caleb: prove it.
Y/n: prove what?
Caleb: kiss him y/n. I know you, and I know that shy, little y/n wouldn't kiss a random stranger she just met.
Tom: fine.
Y/n: o-okay.
You looked at Tom and smiled, he was honestly the most cutest person you'd ever seen. He meant in towards you and his hand made its way to your jaw as yours did to his hair. You lips connected together like a puzzle, not even Caleb could kiss as good as him. He pulled you closer to him, yes you were in the middle of a shop but it was as if you weren't even there. As if everything had disappeared from around you. Caleb stood there awkwardly, he wouldn't have thought you already had a new boyfriend, he didn't like to be wrong.
Caleb: okay! That's enough! I believe you. Y/n?
You simply didn't hear him. You pulled away from the kiss slightly gobsmacked. You turned to look where Caleb has once stood and burst into laughter. You changed your gaze back to Tom, he wore a grin on his face. You didn't realise, but his hand was still on your waist. You laughter died down, leaving a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Y/n: uh, thank you Tom. So much! Really.
Tom: it's fine love, I just couldn't let him treat you like that.
You smiled trying to think of a way you could pay him back.
Y/n: could I offer you a drink one night? As a thank you?
Tom: I would love that!
You and tom exchanged ovine numbers, you hoped you could become friends... or more. You'd never know what would happen, only time could tell. You were just glad that Tom was in the shop...

Hope you enjoyed! -A

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