4| You saved my life. Literally. T.H

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You were rushing through the city, of course you had to sleep through your alarm. You were definitely going to be late for your audition; you wanted to try out for an acting role. You didn't know what you were trying out for but you knew it was going to be interesting. Not paying attention to where you were going, you continued rushing through crowds of people, a bead of sweat forming along your forehead. You weren't going to be a pretty sight after all this running. Your heart pounded in your chest, worry starting to fill your mind. What if they didn't except you because you were late?!

Without thinking, you ran out into the road trying to cross over. You didn't notice the car speeding towards you, your breath hitches in your throat. You closed your eyes, expecting the worst.

I'm all of three seconds, you felt a pair of strong arms pull you away from the car. You opened your eyes, watching as the car continued to speed past. You took a deep breath, trying to get your lungs to function properly. You felt hands firm on your waist, as yours were on someone's chest. You slowly pulled away, looking up to the person who just saved you.
Y/n: wow- uh...
?: are you okay?
Y/n: umm, y-yes. I think so. Thank you.
The man looked at you, a small smile spread across his face. He seemed intimidated by your nervousness.
?: not a problem darling.
Your heart screamed from inside your chest. You had only met this man for two minutes and already his charms made you want to know what his soft lips felt like on yours.
Y/n thought- no! Stop!
Y/n: 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚. 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮.
?: I guess I did.
He said, looking into your eyes.
Y/n: and do I get to know my hero's name?
You asked, your hands in your hips.
?: Tom.
Y/n: Tom..?
Tom: Holland. Tom Holland.
Your face changed into shock.
Y/n: wait, wait, wait. As in the Tom Holland?
He nodded and placed a finger over his lips as if he was telling you to keep quiet.
Y/n: h-how did I not notice it was you?
Tom: you did just nearly get run over love.
Y/n: y-yeah, I guess I did.
A childish smirk crossed over his face.
Tom: are you mocking me.
Y/n: no... not at all.
Tom: well, do I get to know your name?
Y/n: y/n y/l/n.
Tom: y/n... I like it.
Y/n: why thank you.
You answered with a smile, then you remembered something.
Y/n: oh no!
Tom: what's the matter?
Y/n: I'm super late for work! I'm meant to be auditioning but I slept through my alarm and nearly getting run over didn't help me now I'm not going to get a job and be poor forever-
You rambled, you were sure Tom wasn't able to understand your muttering, but he did. Somehow.
Tom: did you say audition?
Y/n: yeah, why?
Tom: I'm meant to be watching a few later today, I'm sure I can get you a slot. I'll just explain what's happened this morning, you know, with nearly getting hit by a car and all.
Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
Y/n: you would do that for me?
Tom: of course!
Y/n: but you just met me.
Tom: darling, I feel like I've known you for years...

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