31| Fight for survival T.H

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Sorry for not updating in a while!! <3
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You ran as fast as you could, lungs burning as you breathlessly made you way across the forest and past the trees. You weren't sure if they had followed you, but now wasn't the time to look back.

Your gun was tight in your right hand as a small dagger was tightened in a leather pouch around your thigh. You'd been alone and running for nearly four days, it felt like years.

The only way to survive was to never stop running.

However, you stopped and hid behind a tree, looking behind you for the first time in a while, you noticed you were still alone. No trace of any bad person or creature could be seen. You breathed quick and heavily trying to take in as much oxygen as possible.

You knew it wouldn't be long before you had to run again.

Walking slowly yet carefully, you found a river, perfect timing as you were in need of a drink. Cupping your hands together you began to drink from the river. It was fresh and cold, giving you slightly more energy than you'd had before.

Standing up and wiping your hands on your shirt, your attention turned to the sudden sound of a twig snapping. Whipping your head around to see what had caused the noise, your hand reached to pick up the gun you'd previously set on the floor.

Turning around, you came face to face with a man not much taller than yourself. His face had mud and dirt smudged on it, you were sure yours looked the same.

You weren't sure if this was someone good or bad, you hadn't even seen anyone for four days.
Raising your gun, you noticed him do the same.
Y/n: shoot me and I'll shoot you.
?: you don't want to do that. I'm not going to hurt you.
Your arm didn't falter, still in the air directly in front of him, you stood your ground.
Y/n: how can I be so sure?
?: I'm one of the good guys.
He smiled at you, it was sort of heart warming but you couldn't let that fool you. He could've been lying.

Another sound disrupted your silence, people shouting words you couldn't understand. The sound of angry animals growling and barking from every direction. The man stepped towards you, his gun lowered.
Y/n: step back! Don't touch me!
Panic rose in his face as he lunged towards you.

Dirt and leaves tangled in your hair as he pushed you to the ground. He pressed his hand over your mouth.
?: hush, or they'll hear you.
Raising your head you saw what the commotion was all about. Multiple men and women, who were on the evil side of this survival task, were scouring the forest. Presumably looking for people to kill or take back to whatever camp they lived at. This task was all about living, people would do anything to be alive.


The mans hand was still clamped over your mouth as the sound of the people quieted down.
Y/n: you can move your hand now...
It came out as more of a muffle, he struggled to understand what you were saying before finally realising.
?: oh, right. Sorry.
Y/n: Thank you by the way.
You said, a small smile making its way to your face.

He offered his hand out to you, you took it gladly.
?: I'm Tom.
He said as he helped you up.
Y/n: y/n.
Tom: I'm sorry about scaring you, I didn't mean to.
You chuckled at him as your rinsed your hands and face in the river. He did the same and knelt down next to you.
Tom: I think we should stick together, maybe we'll survive longer.
Y/n: good idea...

Time skip...
(14 days later)

After the incident that had happened a fortnight ago, you and Tom stuck together like glue. Not once did you leave each other's side, it could risk both of your lives. The both of you managed to find a big enough tree that you'd go and climb every few days just to rest and get some energy.

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