15| Tutor P.P

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You knocked onto the door of Peter Parker's apartment, he was given the job of tutoring you because let's face it - you were failing miserably. Lucky him!

A very pretty woman opened the door, a large smile on her face.
May: hello, you must be y/n, I'm Peters aunt but you can call me may.
You smiled and nodded at her, she let you into the apartment, it was very welcoming and felt homely.
May: I'll go and get Peter.
You took off your jacket and hung it up, you overheard Peters aunt talking to him.
May: Pete, y/n's here, and your right, she is very beautiful.
Peter: shh! She'll hear you.
Peter walked around the corner and smiled at you, a small hint of pink lingering on his cheeks.
Peter: hi y/n.
Y/n: hey.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, you and Peter never usually hung out or spoke to each other; even though you had a massive crush on him. He was in a few of your classes, hence the reason why he was tutoring you. But also because he was like the smartest guy you knew.
Peter: we should probably go and study.
Y/n: yeah, thanks for letting me stay for a while may.
May: no worries sweetie.
She grinned, and wandered off to do her own thing.

Toms skip...

Peter: okay, so... if you start these questions first then I'll help you if you get stuck, okay?
You and Peter were sat opposite each other, you held your pencil in your hand whilst his gorgeous eyes looked into yours.
Y/n: yeah, sounds good.
You looked at the first question and were already confused as to what type of language it was.

You brought your pencil up to your mouth, slightly chewing on the end of it as you tried to come up with an answer. Meanwhile, the sound of Peters scribbling pen had stopped, you slowly looked up at him through your eyelashes. His eyes were on your face, admiring every single feature. You felt your face blush under his presence, but you couldn't let the fact that his perfect eye were staring at yours distract you. You barely even knew him.
Y/n: so Peter...
You cleared your throat and he jumped a little, trying not to make it seem like he had been staring at you for the past five minutes.
Peter: mhm.
He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/n: how come I don't really see you around at school?
Peter: well, I'm not exactly liked by people at school. Apart from my best friend Ned of course, we're kinda the nerds and uh... your way too popular and beautiful to hand around with someone like me-
His eyes widened.
Peter: did...did I just say that?
Your heart fluttered as butterflies formed a large group in your stomach.
Y/n: yeah, yeah you did.
He suddenly stood up abruptly, a small panic starting to appear.
Peter: I'm sorry if I've just made this really awkward, it's just I can't help it and your making me feel really nervous and-
You stood up and kissed him. You could tell he was shocked at first, but he soon placed his hands on your waist. His lips were gentle against yours, hands now gently hovering just above your lower back.

You pulled away and smiled at him, his ears had turned a bright red colour, and you were sure yours had too.
Y/n: y'know, your really cute when you ramble.
His smile grew even wider.
Peter: your always cute.

Tom Holland x Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now