12| Lost at sea T.N

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A/N: I've never written a Thomas Nickerson imagine, so here goes nothing...
⚠️WARNING⚠️ includes starvation/dehydration

Day 126 lost at sea. The only thing you'd seen for the last few months was the sky and the ocean. If there was one word you could describe yourself as in that very moment, then it was malnourished. Your body begged to become hydrated, your stomach desperate for a taste of anything edible.

You turned to look at Thomas, he had became your best friend during the whale hunting, maybe even a little crush. His head was down, looking at his chest. His ribs very visible underneath the thin layer of skin, it looked horrible. His eyes were closed, trying to avoid the beaming sun. You noticed how his hair had become extremely dry, as had yours, from the sun. The heat was unbearable. He was sat so still it was as if he wasn't alive, the only thing to assure you he was still there was the very slow, unstable repetition of his chest rising.

There were only three of you left in the boat, the others had either died or been left on the island you had stopped at a long time ago. As for the other two boats, you didn't know. My Chase sat at the front of the boat, he too looked like and was in the same condition as Thomas. Even though he was very tired and hungry, he wanted to make sure his remaining crew were okay.

You hadn't spoken a word in weeks, none of you had. You were all simply unable too, no water meant your throats were extremely dry. Even if there was, no one would have the energy. A small, but annoying fly landed on your leg, you attempted to swat it away. Your arm very slowly reached for it, it was painful to move. You had been sat in the same position for over 100 days. By the time you had finally reached your leg, the fly decided to leave. Your arm heavily dropped to your side. Maybe this was the end, you looked at Thomas and Mr Chase one last time before drifting off...

Time skip...

You woke up to someone weakly shaking your arm.
Mr Chase: y/n...y/n...
You heard a tired voice whisper, you looked at Mr Chase wondering what was wrong. He lifted up his other hand to reveal half a cracker. You didn't know what to do, it was like you'd forgotten how to eat.
Mr Chase: wake up Nickerson...
You grabbed Thomas's hand and squeezed it with as much force as you could- which wasn't much.
Y/n: Thomas! Thomas...wake up!
You shook his arm, worried he wouldn't wake up. You heard a small gasp, followed by a small wheeze as he barley opened his eyes.
Y/n: Mr Chase...he found some food!
Mr Chase broke the cracker into three pieces, he gave himself the smallest piece and left both you and Thomas to decide who got what.
Thomas: take the bigger piece...
He murmured, you looked at him and licked your lips. He clearly needed it more than you did, not that it would be much difference.
Y/n: no...you take it.
He very lightly shook his head and licked up the bigger piece, placing it in your hand.
Thomas: please...
He whispered, nearly falling asleep again. You weren't going to argue with him.

Time skip...

Thomas: y/n! Mr Chase! Look! Mr Chase!
You woke up, you could hear the unfamiliar sound of birds. You opened your eyes and very hazily saw a harbour in the distance. You sat up, your body swayed with the sudden movement making you feel dizzy. Thomas gently grabbed your hand.
Thomas: I...I've got you.
He whispered. You leaned over to him and pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. His tanned face turned a rosy pink colour. For once you felt a little spark of energy, it wasn't much but it was definitely there...

Hope you enjoyed!! It is a little different but I kind of like it💓

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