6| Prank T.H

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(Your a YouTuber)

You were a YouTuber, and lived with your boyfriend Tom Holland. He new about your channel and would nearly always be in your videos, supporting you and giving you new ideas whenever he could. One day you decided to play a little prank on him...
Y/n: (to camera) hey guys! Today I'm going to be pranking Tom with a fake hickey, I hope this doesn't turn out too bad and I really hope e doesn't leave me because I love him too much. With that said, let's get on to the video.
You went to your bedroom and pulled out your makeup pallets, you used purple, red and brown to try and make it look as realistic as possible. (I'm sorry I don't know how to fake a hickey 😂).

Once you were satisfied, you took your camera, went into the living room and tried to find a a good place to hide it so that Tom wouldn't see it.
Y/n: (to camera) ok, I'm pretty impressed with how this turned out. Tom messaged me saying he'll be home soon so I'll time lapse the footage until he arrives.

Time skip...

You heard the door open and quickly sneaked a leak at the camera that was now hidden behind a huge plant you had recently bought.
Tom: hello darling, how was your day?
You smiled to yourself, you really got a good man.
Y/n: uh, it was alright I didn't really do much.
He walked over to you and pulled you into a hug, his chin resting on the top of your head.
Tom: I missed you today.
Y/n: I missed you too.
You quickly glanced at the camera and smirked, before pulling away from the hug. You moved your hair to the other shoulder, trying to make the 'hickey' more obvious.
Tom: do you want anything to ea- what is that?!
Y/n: what? Do I have something in my hair?
Tom went to touch your neck but you dodged his hand.
Tom: let me look..!
You sighed and let tom inspect your neck. He gently pressed your neck, you tried to hold in your laugh.
Tom: sorry, does it it hurt?
Y/n: no.
Tom: what is it, y/n?
Y/n: it's nothing, just a scratch. I don't know.
Tom looked at it again.
Tom: it doesn't look much like a scratch to me.
You shrugged your shoulders and started to walk away from him. As you were doing this, something seemed to have clicked in his mind. He pulled you back towards him by your waist, a worried yet angry look on his face.
Tom: is that a hickey?!
Y/n: no...
You said starting to laugh, this was it you thought, you were going to ruin the prank.
Tom: stop lying.
Y/n: what do you mean 'stop lying'?
You asked, imitating his voice.
Tom: I know when your lying to me! You get all nervous and giggly.
Y/n: I'm not lying tom! I probably just banged it on something.
Tom scoffed, annoyed.
Tom: yeah, right. Y'know, because people always have purple marks on their necks, that doesn't look like you've hit it y/n!
Y/n: why are you so mad?
Tom: why do you think?! I come home really excited to see you and now I'm finding out your seeing another guy behind my back.
You decided to take it up a notch.
Y/n: fine, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Tom looked like he stopped breathing for a second, his eyebrows furrowed together.
Tom: wait, your really seeing someone else?
His voice broke, you felt really bad but had to keep going. He turned around, paced back and forth, then looked at you. You could see the anger burning through him, it was kind of... hot.
Tom: how could you do that?! I try to give you everything! Am I not enough?!
Y/n: it just happened, I was out with my friends. He was a nice guy, alright?
Tom: so I'm not a nice guy?
Y/n: yeah but he was different to you, and new. You say it's good to always try new things out.
Tom: yes, but I didn't mean other men y/n!
Y/n: I'm really sorry Tom!
Tom: I trusted you! That's the thing,
I trusted you with all my heart. Now all you do is go and do this. It makes me feel absolutely great!
You both stood there in silence for a while, it was so quiet you could hear the raging heartbeat of Tom who was angrily talking his foot against the floor.
Tom: I'm leaving.
Your heart stopped, this was going to far!
Y/n: what?!
Tom: this isn't fair on me y/n, I love you so, so much. You obviously don't feel the same way.
He grabbed his keys and phone, putting on his jacket.
Tom: I'll get all my stuff tomorrow.
He turned to the door.
Tom: oh, and before I go. Who was it? Who gave it to you?
Y/n: no one...
He looked confused.
Tom: huh?
Y/n: no one.
Tom: what?
Y/n: it's a prank.
A wave of relief washed over his face, you pointed to the camera and he rolled his eyes. You kissed him, your hands on his chest.
Y/n: I'd never cheat on you, I love you and only you!
Tom: I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you.
You both laughed and you picked up your camera.
Y/n: (to camera) I hope you enjoyed today's video! It nearly went incredibly wrong, but I got him good. Don't forget to subscribe, turn on the post notifications, like the video and comment down below if you enjoyed it. We love you guys and we'll see you next time...

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