9| Popular T.H

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(In this both y/n and Tom are in school)

Let's just say you weren't popular... you were a little bit of a nerd but had great friends and wouldn't want it any different. Your boyfriend however was the complete opposite of you. He wasn't the brightest of people, well that's what he lead people to believe, you knew that he was actually very clever when he wanted to be.

You and Tom had been dating for almost 4 months, both of you loved each other dearly and Tom was a real softy at heart. Until recently, you had spent nearly every day together, him sneaking quick kisses when you were studying in library which usually ended up being a 10 minute makeout session behind the shelves of books. The occasional moment of him staring at you, a childish smirk across his face, making you blush like crazy.

He wasn't the problem as such, it was his friends. Yeah, they were okay, but sometimes they could be real assholes. You and Tom met through one of his friends, Jay. Jay used to bully you because you were 'the teachers pet', however Tom stood up for you and everything bloomed from there.

You wouldn't call yourself a clingy girlfriend, but not being around Tom as much definitely dulled your sparkle. You knew that many girls hung around with Toms group of friends and even though you trusted him, you couldn't help but feel a little jealous. A few weeks passed and you'd only seen him occasionally, like when he walked you to and from school as well as in the hallways. The negative and insecure side of you began to cloud your thoughts, what if he was bored of you? What if he had his eye on some other prettier girl? Did you even mean anything to him anymore?

One day, you decided to ask him about it. It was really starting to play on your mind, you couldn't concentrate or think straight. The bell rang for lunch and you headed to your locker to put away your books. Closing your locker, you spotted him with another girl, she was being way too flirty and he was being too oblivious to notice. You walked over to him and grabbed his arm, dragging him to a quieter place.
Tom: hey darling, what's up?
His hand naturally wafted through his hair, his curls gently bouncing off the top of his head. You couldn't help but smile at him, but your lips slowly formed into a straight line as you began to feel a little nervous.
Y/n: where have you been these last couple of days? I missed you.
Tom: I was just... hanging out with the guys.
A small sigh left your lips as you frowned, he picked up on this.
Tom: what's the matter?
Y/n: I know that I sound really stupid and clingy, and I'm really not trying to be, but... I feel like you have bit time for me anymore.
You looked down at your feet, not wanting to look him in the eyes incase what you had just said to him made you sound like a complete idiot.
Tom: I was just hanging out with my friends, I haven't seen them properly for three months. I was with you, spending time with you.
Y/n: it's like you don't want people to think we're dating anymore. I don't know...
Tom opened his mouth to stay something but nothing came out, he instead looked like a fish.
Y/n: y'know, couldn't have anyone thinking you were dating me! I'm unpopular and ugly-
Tom: hey! You are not ugly y/n y/l/n! You are the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on! Don't ever forget that.
Y/n: then... why..? Why aren't we how we used to be? Your back with the popular guys and I'm just... me.
He put his hands either side of your face and softly pressed his lips to yours. Your heart fluttered, your hands slowly reaching up to play with his hair.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
Tom: don't ever doubt yourself, okay? You'll always be my number one.
You nodded and grabbed his hand, gently playing with his fingers.
Tom: I... love... you... so... much.
He muttered in between kisses.
You smiled and looked into his eyes.
Y/n: I love you too...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've got MAJOR writers block, might start to think of a Christmassy imagine 🌲💓

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