17| You're so cute when your angry T.H

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I apologise for not posting in a while, I had a whole bunch of revision to be done and didn't have much time for writing so here's a short one whilst I plan a better imagine 💓

You, Tom and Harrison had been invited to a pool party with a few of Harrison's friends. You being you, preferred to just stay and rest on a sun bed and enjoy the sun. The boys on the other hand wanted to enjoy the pool instead. That was a no for you.

You closed your eyes and breathed in the fresh air, the sun glowing against your skin. That was soon interrupted by something forming a shadow over your face, a pair of hands taking off your sunglasses. A frown formed on your face as you felt droplets of water land on your face.

Your eyes opened come in contact with Toms beautiful ones staring at you. He had a large grin on his face as always, his arms either side of your face as he leaned over you, standing next to the sun bed.
Y/n: I'm trying to sunbathe.
Tom: come in the pool with me.
You shook your head, attempting to grab your sunglasses that Tom had placed at the foot of the sun bed. He pouted at you, a slight smile trying to hide but failing horribly.
Tom: come on y/n, please..!
Y/n: no.
Tom: why not?
You didn't answer him, instead just closed your eyes trying to block out the fact that he was hovering dangerously close over you.

A small squeal escaped your lips as you felt him place soft kisses on your neck before you erupted into a fit of giggles.
Y/n: Tom, no. Go back to Harrison.
His damp mop of hair tickled your cheek as he ignored you, him hearing you laugh made him want to make you laugh again. He looked up and quickly kissed your lips.
Tom: please.
Y/n: I'm sorry but I'm not going into the water. There is no way I'm going in the pool.
He cocked his head to the side, the smirk forming on his lips suggesting otherwise.

In one swift movement you were in his arms as he carried you bridal style towards the edge of the pool. You tried to get out of his grasp but he was too strong, you could hear Harrison laughing at you in the background. For that you flipped him off, earning a chuckle from Tom.
Y/n: put me down.
You laughed, you really didn't fancy getting in the pool.
Tom: okay.
You should've realised it was coming - he didn't put you down on the floor but dropped you into the pool instead.

You returned to the surface with a cough, you moved your hair from out of your face. Luckily you weren't wearing any makeup. You looked to see that Tom had now jumped in the pool, he swam over to you, laughing as he did so.
Y/n: Tom you're an idiot!
Tom: I may be an idiot, but I'm your idiot.
He managed to say in between laughs. You weren't going to lie, hearing him laugh and seeing him smile made you want smile even more. However you were going to act serious about this.
Y/n: Tom this isn't funny, I just wanted to sunbathe.
Tom: you're so cute when your angry.
You made a pouty face at him.
Tom: I'm sorry darling... I was just tryna have fun.
He said, giving you major puppy dog eyes that you just couldn't resist, making your heart explode in your chest. You smiled at him, fluttering your eyelashes in a 'flirty' manner.
Y/n: kiss me and I'll forgive you.
You didn't have to tell him twice as his lips connected with yours almost immediately. Your hands made their way to his chest as his did to you waist, pulling you closer to him in the water.
Harrison: get a room!
You felt Tom smile against your lips, before he pulled away from you.
Tom: gladly.
Y/n: Tom!
You said smacking his arm lightly.
Tom: what?
You looked at him with what you could call the 'you know what' look. He just smiled cheekily at you.
Tom: everyone already knows your my girl.

Tom Holland x Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now