29| Im in love with you T.H

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Tom had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. Having only lived around the corner from you, you hung out with each other a lot. Nearly every place in town had a memory the two of you could share from growing up, good and bad; the park- where the two of you carved your initials into a tree, promising that you would be best friends forever. School- where he stood up for you when the class bully picked on you. At your friends house- where the two of you had your first fight because he drank too much alcohol and was acting stupid. His bedroom- the only place you wanted to go after your boyfriend cheated on you, the place where he comforted you and told you everything was going to be alright and that you were too good for any boy anyways. If you were to write down all the memories you had, the list would be endless.

But that's all you were, best friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Today was Friday, which meant movie night. Every Friday you and Tom would pick a film to watch and just relax for the night. He would soon be arriving and you had yet to get ready. Taking a quick shower, you were just in time to hear a knock at the door, you knew it was Tom. Drying your hair, you shouted for him to just come in. No matter how many times you told him he could just walk in, he declined and continued to knock every time he visited.

Feeling much more relaxed and cosy, you headed downstairs to see Tom taking off his shoes.
Y/n: sorry I was just having a shower.
Tom: no worries love, I'm a bit early anyways.
You smiled at him before pulling you into a hug, his hugs were the best. His arms were wrapped completely around you, your face in the crook of his neck as his hand gently ran up and down your back.

You pulled away and headed to the kitchen to grab some snacks and stuff.
Tom: so what movie are we gonna watch?
Tom asked from the other room. There was a small pause as you tried to decide.
Y/n: I don't know, you can pick.
You replied before returning to the presence of Tom.

You weren't gonna lie, the movie Tom had picked was quite boring, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Picking at your nails, you felt eyes on you.
Tom: are you alright?
Y/n: yeah, I just remembered i need to get my nails done soon.
You smiled at him before looking at the screen in front of you. You had no clue what was going on seeing as you had been zoned out for almost the whole movie.

Spotting the remote on the other side of Tom, you leant forward to make a grab for it. With the power of the tv in your hands, you turned off the movie.
Tom: hey!
He whined, looking at you annoyed.
Tom: why did you do that?
Y/n: because I was getting bored.
Tom: oh really..?
A large smirk crossed his face as an idea popped into his head.

Grabbing your waist he began to tickle you, you squirmed in his grasp but he refused to give up. He knew how ticklish you could get so this was his way to annoy you. Somehow you had managed to take up the whole space of the sofa in this time, him hovering over you as his hands jabbed at your sides.

He had you pinned down as he tickled you, there was no way to escape now. Even as you kicked your legs around he didn't seem to budge. The tips of his fingers danced along your skin as you screamed and laughed, his legs were tight around your own as he straddled you stopping you from moving away.
Y/n: t-Tom... please stop.
You said breathlessly, trying to shove him off of you.
Tom: I don't think so...
He teased and you sighed before he continued tickling you.

You had an idea that could maybe throw him off track. Pulling your hands up in front of you, your hands went to his sides as you attempted to tickle him. However he saw what was happening before you got the chance to achieve your goal.

He brought your hands above your head as he looked down at you. It was only now you realised how close you were to each other; chests almost touching, faces so close you could feel his hot breath against your lips. You admired the way his hair fell all messy and curly across his forehead, the way his nose was slightly crooked from the amount of times he had broken it- but you couldn't love it more, the way his lips were curled in an innocent smile that warmed your heart, the way his gorgeous brown eyes looked into yours. It was then you noticed how he observed your face in the exact same way you did his.
Y/n: what..?
You whispered, your heart thumping loud enough that even he could probably hear it.
Tom: I just...
He couldn't get his words out, the way he felt for you was something he had never felt before. He loved how you laughed at his jokes, even if they weren't funny, he loved how you cared for him even if you weren't feeling 100% yourself, you always him first. He loved you, and everything about you.

His lips brushed across yours ever so gently before he placed a kiss against them.

It took him a lot of courage but he did it. He understood what he didn't have in his life and it was you. You meant more to him than just a friend, you meant more to him then anything in the world.

A smile spread across your lips and he relaxed as he felt it on his own. Your hands were loosened from his grip as they came down to caress your face gently. Yours finding a secure place on his broad chest.

It was as if you had found the missing piece to your puzzle, everything felt right. It was only then you realised your love for him, for Tom. He was the man who made you smile, the man who made you...you.

In that moment you wanted nothing more then to never stop. The way his lips felt against yours were as if you were dreaming. It was perfect.

Pulling away he pressed his forehead against yours, a small sigh coming from his mouth as he tried to regain his breath. You too laid there for a second, intaking the oxygen around you as you realised what had just happened.
Tom: I'm in love with you y/n.
He whispered against your lips.
Y/n: I'm in love with you too.
That was the beginning of your love story, maybe your true love really is only just around the corner. Well... for you he was.

- A

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