5| Wounds at midnight P.P

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You awoke to the sound of tapping at your bedroom window, you glanced at the direction it was coming from and noticed a figure outside.

Again the tapping occurred, you got out of bed and slowly pulled back the curtain. Your saw your boyfriend, Peter, also known as spiderman gripping onto the side of the building. You quickly opened the window.
Y/n: Peter..?
He looked up at you, pain in his eyes. Blood dropped down his face, cuts on both sides. He stumbled into your bedroom, his hand on his ribs as he spluttered to get his words out.
Peter: there... there was a big guy, he was too... too strong. I couldn't fight him, he would have killed me.
You hugged him as he collapsed into your arms. You could smell a slight hint of dirt and smoke, before hearing the quiet sniffles of Peter who was now softly crying into your shirt.
Y/n: Peter... I'm so sorry that happened.
He hugged you tighter, not wanting to let go. You put your hand through his hair, gently kissing his shoulder.
Y/n: let's get you cleaned up.

Time skip...

You got Peter to lay down on your bed then you quietly grabbed all the medical stuff you could find. He pulled his suit down to his waist revealing an enormous wound across his chest. You gasped at the sight of it, the blood glistening a bright red in the reflection of your lamp light.
Peter: I-is it bad?
He asked, his eyes closed as a layer of sweat formed across his brow, his face becoming paler by the second. You grabbed a bottle of antiseptic and dipped some gauze into it.
Y/n: this is going to sting, and I'm really sorry but it will help you...
Peter opened his eyes, they widened in shock at the sight of his chest, he tried to sit up to clean it himself but winced in pain and immediately laid back down.
Y/n: let me take care of you. Okay?
He nodded and gripped the side of your bed, you tried not to stare at the way his muscles and abs became more toned as he tensed up. You kissed the top of his head before starting to clean his wounds. Peter hissed and flinched as you sorted out his chest, you didn't want to hurt him but it was the only thing to do to make him better.
Peter: are you nearly finished?
He asked, his eyes brimming with tears.
Y/n: nearly, I thought you had super strength?
Peter: still hurts.
You bandaged his chest and sat him up slowly. You cleaned the blood, dirt and tears from his face, applying medical strips to seal the cuts together.
Y/n: done.
You sat next to Peter and he turned to face you. He rested his forehead against yours and sighed, his hands finding yours and holding them softly.
Peter: thank you y/n.
You smiled gently, attaching your lips to his. His hands took place on your waist as yours went to his cheek, careful not to touch any of the cuts. It was a slow but meaningful kiss, Peter was tired and so were you. After all, it was midnight. You both pulled away and he quickly kissed you one more time.
Peter: I should probably go now...
You nodded.
Y/n: be careful!
Peter: I will, thank you y/n. Really. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too...
And with that, he was gone.

Sorry it's only a short one, hope you enjoyed!

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