7| Spiderman P.P

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You had been sat in your boyfriends room for the past 20 minutes. He had to leave 'to get may some bread'. You sighed and picked up your book, attempting to study for your upcoming assignment. Thoughts flew around your mind- what if he was cheating on you? What if he found someone else?!

10 more minutes passed and you decided to help yourself to some food because you were hungry. You stood up, glancing at the window before heading to the kitchen. You closed Peters door and walked a few steps away from it when you heard a loud thud from his room. Your heart sped up, thinking it was a burglar you grabbed the closest thing to you l which happened to be an umbrella.

You quickly pushed open the door, the umbrella raised in your hand. You gasped and dropped the umbrella, it landed at your feet as it made contact with the floor. There stood Peter. A red mask of some sort in his right hand, shock written all over his face. Your eyes quickly scanned his body, for some reason he was only wearing underwear.
Peter: uh-
Y/n: Peter what are you-
You stopped talking as your eyes cane across a puddle of red and blue clothing around Peters ankles. It looked oddly familiar.

Peter stood there still gobsmacked, his eyes darting from his feet to you and back again.
Peter: y/n I... umm.
You wanted to expect the 'thing' on the floor.
Y/n: step back.
Peters eyes went wide.
Peter: why? I-I don't need to do that.
You pushed him back slightly, causing him to move backwards. He tried to pick up whatever was in the floor, as did you. You beat him, luckily. You let the legs fall to the floor as you held it by the arms. You gasped at what it was.
Y/n: no way! Are you spiderman?!
You admired the detailed pattern of the suit.
Peter: no! What do you mean? I'm not... I'm not spiderman. It's just a costume... yeah a costume.
You nodded, a smirk in your face.
Y/n: a costume, right...
You put the suit into Peters bed and grabbed the mask that was in his hand.
Peter: hey!
You smiled and put it on, it was like a technology you'd never seen before.
The room zoomed in and out making you jump back in surprise, you heard Peter giggle. Suddenly you heard the voice of someone in the mask.
A.I.: hi I'm Karen, Peters A.I. Otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence-
You ripped off the mask.
Y/n: Karen?! Who's Karen?!
Peter: my suit lady.
Ya: ha! So you are spiderman!
He nodded slowly, as if he was ashamed to be known as him.
Peter: I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want to worry you or put you in any danger.
Y/n: worry me?! I mean yeah, a little bit. But this is so cool Pete! I thought you were cheating on me or something, so at least I now know your not.
You ran up to him and kissed all over his face, hugging him. Then you pulled away he still wasn't wearing any clothes.
Y/n: umm, you should probably get changed before many walks in or something.
He blushed red and smiled awkwardly.
Peter: y-yeah. Right.

Time skip...

Peter: y'know we should probably study.
You looked at him as if he was stupid.
Y/n: no, I want you to tell me about being spiderman, I want to know everything! Forget about studying.
Peter sighed and put his hand through his hair.
Peter: okay...

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