22| Royal T.H

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I don't really know much about royalty but here you go...
Also the reader doesn't have to have a 'posh' accent - can be whatever you want :)

You'd never expected to become queen at such a young age. Everything was quite a shock, everything was quite new to you. Luckily you had met Tom and married before it happened, he wasn't from a royal family himself but that didn't stop you from loving him.

Both yours and Toms family were going to be meeting each other for the first time in a while since your recent coronation. You were nervous but excited, you never knew what they thought about your relationship with their son.

You headed to your dressing room to get ready, you had to look presentable. You had to look both appropriate for your job as Queen but also for seeing Toms family.

You slipped into a white, flowery dress. After a few minutes of struggling, you managed to zip up the back. You put on a pair of small heels to match, as uncomfortable as they normally were, you had almost gotten used to wearing them all the time.

You preferred to do things by yourself, you liked to be independent. However the people who had become your maids insisted on helping you. One who had become one of your friends, Claire, always seemed to be able to help out whenever.

Taking the brush from the vanity in front of you, she began to sort out your hair. After a few different styles, you'd both decided on lightly curling it.

She carefully took the pearl necklace from your jewellery box and clasped it around your neck.
Y/n: I can do this myself...
She nodded.
Claire: I know.
There was a moment of silence.
Claire: this is what I'm paid to do.
You smiled at her and thanked her, she bowed her head at you before exiting the room.

You looked into the mirror and sighed, that was something you'd never get used to. Reapplying your lipstick you noticed Tom standing in the doorway; he was wearing a black suit and tie. His hair was slicked back and he looked handsome as always.

He stepped into the room and walked towards you, his hands were behind his back as he approached you.
Tom: my family will be arriving in a few minutes.
You took a breath and stood up straight, flattening out your dress.
Y/n: okay, I will ask someone to tell the others.
You were about to walk away when you felt him grab your hand.
Tom: it's all sorted. I know you've been stressed these past few weeks, but you'll be fine.
Y/n: Thank you.

You glanced around the room and made sure no one was able to see the pair of you. Being queen has its perks but there is also a not so good side. It could be seen as 'unprofessional' if you were spotted kissing someone, even if it was your husband.

Your hand was on his chest as you placed a quick kiss against his lips. You pulled away and looked up into his eyes, oh how easy it was to get lost in them.
Tom: everything alright darling?
He smirked, his hand gently squeezing your waist.
Y/n: best behaviour, especially around our families.
His mouth opened slightly, as if to say 'what do you mean'.
Y/n: I mean it...
Tom: yes ma'am.
He saluted, a cheeky grin on his face.

You turned to walk to where you were seeing the family, Tom closely behind. Every person you walked past stopped what they were doing to bow their head at you. All you could do was share a polite smile as you continued to make your way to the big doors that hid the gathering of people behind it.

Time skip...

You saw that the weather was lovely and you were in need of fresh air. You suggested a few minutes outside, locking eyes with Tom he gave you a smile and winked. Looking at your shoes, you headed outdoors, being escorted by the palace butlers.

You all made your way out to the garden, beautiful flowers were growing everywhere. The scenery was perfect, no better place to spend with loved ones.

A few butlers and maids stood outside too, drinks and small bites of food on trays in their hands. You noticed Tom walking over to you, at the same time so was one of your maids. She made it to you first, quickly bowing her head at you.
Maid: your royal majesty, your dress has slightly unzipped. Would you like me to do it up for you?
You didn't get to put in a word as Tom did for you.
Tom: I can do it, Thank you.
You turned you back to him, allowing him to zip the back of your dress up. His breath was soft against your shoulder as his hands slowly glided up your back reaching for the zip.
Tom: I never got the chance to tell you that you look very beautiful today.
You could feel the blush rise to your cheeks.
Y/n: Thank you, I must say you look very nice too.
He chuckled, his hands found their way to your hair, moving it to one side.
Y/n: what are you doing..?
Tom: shhh...
His thumb ran over the side of your neck and you felt him step closer to you. Soon you felt his lips against your neck, you gasped and stepped away from him.
Y/n: Thomas!
You whispered, you couldn't help but smile at his action. His eyes glistened I'm the sun as he laughed.
Tom: what?
Y/n: there are people here, our family are here.
Tom: they weren't watching.
You shook your head and started towards your mother, a lightness in your chest as you watched Tom talk to his brothers.

That man would get you in trouble one day...

I hope you enjoyed this one! A bit different from my others and I have no clue if this is even slightly correct 😂

Vote and comment!!💓

- A

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