30| Insecure T.H

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Hope you enjoy this one! Sorry it's only short.

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Lately you had been feeling extremely insecure about your boyfriends love for you. Tom Holland is one of the biggest movie stars in the world. He could have any girl he wanted, so why did he pick you? You had asked yourself that question nearly everyday since you had first started dating.

What first started out as a perfect relationship had now begun to fall. The repetition of Tom having to go away from work for months on end took its toll on you. You missed him, even when he was with you you missed him. You knew he would have to go again soon.

Whenever he came home from work, he would be tired and usually go straight upstairs. Only sharing a quick 'hello love' or a kiss on your cheek. The other times where he was home, he'd be out with his friends and brothers, caching up with them and talking about what he'd been up to.

You never so much as got a sentence from him most days.

The thing is, you never told him. Why would you? He's absolutely smashing it out there, surely he wouldn't need you whining about missing him all the time.

Sitting and waiting nervously for him to arrive home from a long few days at work, you began to wonder if your relationship with him was failing. Maybe he had fallen out of love with you and needed a way to escape.

The sound of the door opening snapped you back into reality. You heard the rattle of keys being placed on the table and the ruffling of his jacket as he took it off.

He walked past where you were sat, barely even noticing you. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he stopped walking.
Tom: I'm a bit tired love, I'm gonna relax upstairs.
Y/n: okay.
You nodded.

Time skip...

Walking towards the bedroom, your feet padded quietly against the wooden floor. Opening the door slowly you looked to see him sat up in bed. His eyes pondered from his phone to your figure in the doorway.
Y/n: Tom?
He hummed in response, standing up out of bed and walking towards you, his hands grasping yours.
Y/n: do you still love me..?
The last few words came out as a whisper, you were afraid you'd made yourself look quite an idiot. Your eyes looked down at anywhere in the house but him.

He placed his soft hand on your cheek, moving your face to his. Your eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to yours delicately as if you would break. The curly mess of hair on his head gently tickled against your forehead as he held you in his arms.

Pulling away, he moved a strand of your hair behind your ear. A large smile formed on his face.
Tom: does that answer your question?
You smirked at him and turned your head to the side.
Y/n: yes, but I'm not completely clear, can you tell me again?
Tom laughed a loud laugh as your hands were placed along his chest. The vibrations from his chest tingled against your fingertips.

His head leaned in towards you, mouth slightly agape. Both hands had a strong grip on your cheeks so not to let you get away. Your hands found themselves busy in his brown locks as he passionately kissed you.

After what seemed like forever, he pulled away, both of you out of breath.
Tom: I love you y/n. I'm sorry I'm not around as much as you want me to be.
Y/n: how'd you know?
Tom: I always know when your feeling sad and miserable.
Y/n: I love you too.

- A

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