16| 'I couldn't save him' P.P

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A/N: for this imagine pretend that endgame didn't happen
Also this imagine is quite sad so...

You heard a knock on your window, you smiled knowing it was Peter. That smile left your face instantly when you saw the state of him, he had blood and mud all over his suit. He sat on your bed without saying a word, his head in his hands. You could tell he had been crying, his eyes were red and glossy.
Y/n: Peter?
You said, walking towards him. You began to notice how much blood was on him, you mind raced to think of different things that could have happened.
Y/n: what happened to you? Peter, what's wrong?!
You asked him, worry filling your voice. It was so silent in your bedroom you could hear the racing of his heart beat.

He looked up, his face was emotionless and pale. He looked at the wall, not glancing once in your direction. He didn't look in any actual physical pain, he looked mournful.
Peter: I...
He looked down at his hands, blotches of blood all over the fine material of his suit.
Peter: I couldn't save him...
His voice was hoarse and broke as he spoke. That's when you realised it wasn't his blood, it was someone else's.
Y/n: who? Peter, who couldn't you save?
He wiped his nose with the back of his hand before looking you dead in the face. Tears marks were tracked in the mess of dirt and blood across his cheeks.
Peter: Mr Stark.
His shoulders slouched down once again, as if just mentioning the name made him feel pain like he was being stabbed in the heart with a knife.

You hurried to his side, grabbing his hand immediately.
Y/n: I'm so sorry.
You rested your head gently against his shoulder, playing with the hair on the back of his head. You could tell he was trying to fight back tears, before it all came crashing down on him.
Peter: he's gone, y/n. He's really gone.
Sobs and whimpers left his mouth as his head now rested against your chest. Hearing him cry broke your heart into thousands of pieces, his whole body was shaking in your arms. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you watched him hopeless in front of you.
Y/n: it's okay to cry...
You stroked the back of his head and kissed his forehead. Still the crying hadn't stopped, only getting worse.

You felt his grip tighten around your arms as his breathing became uneven. He was breathing in small gasps of air, the crying taking control of his body.
Peter: I f-feel like I can't breathe.
You softly and slowly pulled his head up from your chest with your hands on either side of his face. He looked down, avoiding contact with your eyes.
Y/n: hey, just look at me. Breathe.
His breathing slowed down, and he closed his eyes. Taking in deep breaths - in through the nose, out through the mouth.

He pulled away from you and sat still, you stood up to grab a glass of water for him but he grabbed your waist and spun you around back to him. You stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms around your waist, his head now resting against your stomach.

You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, gently moving your fingers along the skin beneath his head of curls. He sighed and pulled you closer towards him, you standing in between his legs.
Peter: It hurts. Everything hurts.
Y/n: I know it hurts, I'm sorry.
You kissed his head and let you lips linger there for a second, attempting to try and make him feel better. Letting him know your there for him. You then put your hands on his cheeks and wiped away his tears with your thumbs, placing a gentle kiss to his lips in which he returned.
Y/n: I love you Peter.
Peter: I love you too.

I hope you enjoyed!
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