14| Cupcakes T.H

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You'd decided to take up a new hobby of baking. You weren't terrible at it but your definitely weren't a pro. The only problem was your boyfriend, he was great and all, but he never left the cake batter alone. You always had to split your attention between him and the actual process of making the cakes.

You heard feet shuffling across the floor towards you, you smiled to yourself as you felt his presence behind you.
Tom: what are you making?
He asked, his arms shaking their way around your waist, his chin resting gently on your shoulder.
Y/n: cupcakes.
He hummed into your shoulder as you whisked the mixture together. It if the corner of your eye, you saw a hand making its way to the bowl.
Y/n: hey! No.
You grabbed his hand, a giggle escaping your lips. He pretended to feel hurt, but was trying it to smile.
Tom: why not?
He whined, taking your hands and pulling you into him. His chin now resting on your head.
Y/n: because...
You started.
Y/n: you can try them when they're done.
He sighed sarcastically (is that even a thing) and kissed your forehead before walking off to find something else to do.

Every so often he would wander into the kitchen to see if they were ready.
Tom: why is it taking so long?
Y/n: I want them to be perfect. Or do you want horrible cakes?
He raised his hands in the air, a small smile playing on his lips.
Tom: okay, mrs perfectionist.
You shook your head at him, placing the cakes into the oven. Now would be a good time to clean up. Now was Toms chance. You started to wash up the bowls and the spoons, who knew baking could be so tiring?! You were finished washing up when you noticed something.
Y/n: where did the whisk go- I told you not to lick it!
Tom: darling, it's either you or the whisk.
Y/n: Thomas!
You shouted, a small blush appearing on your cheeks.
Tom: what?
He asked so casually, knowing what he had just said, whilst continuing to lick the batter off of the whisk.
Y/n: you can't say that!
You said, still feeling flustered.
Tom: no ones here, it's fine.
Y/n: Harrison could have walked in.
Tom out the whisk into the sink and walked towards you.
Tom: do you think Harrison would walk into the kitchen if he saw me doing this?
He started placing kisses all over your face, you laughed and tried to push him away.
Y/n: Tom, stop.
You smiled, his hands were soft on your cheeks as he gave you one last giant kiss on your lips.
Tom: there. Perfect.
You blushed and walked back to the oven to check up on the cakes. Tom just stood there with puppy eyes, you turned around to face him.
Y/n: fine, you can help me decorate them.

I hope you enjoyed!!💓

Tom Holland x Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now