11| Pizza P.P

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You were having a sleepover with your friends from school, all of you were hungry so you decided to order pizza. You spoke to the guy on the phone and he said the food would be there shortly.

Time skip...

You heard a knock at the door and answered it, you expected it to be some middle aged guy but instead it was someone the same age as you. You looked down at what you were wearing; swear pants and a hoodie, not a pretty sight. Your hair was all messy and you were wearing no makeup. Your friends always said you were beautiful the way you were but you didn't agree.
?: one pepperoni and two cheese pizzas?
Y/n: yeah, thanks.
The boy was cute and looked familiar.
?: that will be five dollars.
You passed him the money, your brain trying to figure out who this guy was.
Y/n: your Peter Parker, right..?
His face scrunched up, it made him look really cute.
Peter: I hoped no me would recognise me, I'm just tryna make money to help my aunt y'know.
You nodded, that was really sweet of him.
Y/n: in that case, here.
You gave him an extra five dollars, he smiled at you but shook his head.
Peter: I really shouldn't.
Y/n: please, for me.
He blushed and took the money, he was about to leave but you hadn't finished the conversation.
Y/n: y'know I've seen you around, you're really smart.
He blushed again, his hand went through his hair as a nervous laugh escaped his lips.
Peter: you think so?
Y/n: I know so.
He smiled at you and your heart fluttered in your chest.
Y/n: damn it, your really cute.
You whispered under your breath, somehow he heard you.
Peter: sorry, what?
Y/n: oh...uh...nothing.
You blushed, your heart racing extremely fast.
Peter: if...if it helps... I think you're really pretty y/n.
You giggled and placed the boxes of pizza next to you before quickly running to Peter. You kissed his cheek causing him to turn a crimson colour.
Y/n: I'll see you around Parker.
Peter: yeah...

Sorry this is only a short one, hope you enjoyed!

Tom Holland x Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now